
Apples and banana peanut butter bread Growing kids need a solid breakfast every day. Research shows children need a healthy breakfast to get them to stay on task through their academic day. Having a well-rounded breakfast has shown to not only improve academic performance and behavior in the classroom, but also reduce the risk of obesity and increase the amount of calcium kids get daily.

Let’s face it: Mornings can be challenging in many households. With busy work and school schedules, it can be tough to create delicious healthy breakfasts. But we have some tips to make it simple and stress free!

Mellow Mornings

-Each week, post a breakfast menu on the fridge. Now you don’t have to worry about what to make each morning.

-Freeze ahead! This is the organized parent’s secret to breakfast success. Make pancakes, waffles and muffins ahead of time and store food in the freezer.

-Keep frozen fruits on hand to make smoothies quick and easy.

-Slice and dice veggies ahead of time and put them in storage trays to have on hand. This tip could work well when making omelets.

-Beat eggs the night before and have ready to pour in the pan in the morning.

Healthy breakfasts should include protein, whole grains, fruit or vegetable and calcium. Here are some great ideas to get your child off to a good start in the morning! Allow them to help prepare meals, too!


• Toasted whole wheat bagel spread with peanut butter and honey, topped with slices of bananas and a glass of milk

• Toasted whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, topped with sliced mango and a glass of milk


• Breakfast burrito: scrambled egg, black beans, and salsa wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla and a glass of orange juice

• Toasted English muffin, a hardboiled egg, a glass of milk and a bowl of strawberries

• Scrambled egg, a slice of American cheese on a toasted bagel with fresh apple slices


• Grilled ham with fresh pineapple, toast and a glass of milk

• Breakfast BLT: Turkey bacon, lettuce, tomato and cream cheese on toast, with a glass of apple juice


• Bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar, peanut butter and milk and a glass of orange juice


• Buckwheat or whole wheat pancakes with maple syrup, a bowl of melon and a glass of milk


• Fruit smoothie with toasted whole wheat bagel with butter


• Yogurt, whole wheat toast, buttered, a handful of raisins and a glass of water


• Carrot Cake Muffin, a handful of cashews, grapes and a glass of milk

• Peanut butter and fruit spread on whole wheat toast, ½ an orange and a glass of milk

• Peanut butter spread on apple slices and a bowl of whole grain cereal with milk

• Slice of cheese melted on whole-wheat toast with orange slices and a glass of milk

Cheryl Tallman is the co-founder of Fresh Baby, creators of the award-winning So Easy Baby Food Kit, and author of the So Easy Baby Food Basics: Homemade Baby Food in Less Than 30 Minutes Per Week and So Easy Toddler Food: Survival Tips and Simple Recipes for the Toddler Years. Visit Cheryl online at www.FreshBaby.com.

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