When David, a young shepherd, “got his chance” to rise and begin the process of becoming who God had created him to be, it came on the heels of leaving the pasture to tend to the needs of the people of God. He heard God’s calling and eventually became King David, one of the most important people in the Bible to spread God’s Word.
In God’s economy, nothing is wasted. Everything you have done up to now may actually be God preparing you for a career in ministry. Whether you have been a soldier, farmer, stay-at-home mom, engineer, grocery worker, or whatever vocation, God may be preparing you to share His Word with the world.
David heard the call. Will you?
Here are four signs God is preparing you for a ministry career.
Sign #1: Your Current and Past Experiences Are Pointing You to Ministry.
A son of a dairy farmer might be learning how to help shepherd people by taking care of Holstein dairy cows. A person who has spent years teaching in a school setting is developing skills in communication, patience, and the ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms. A nurse or healthcare worker who has provided care for the sick and vulnerable is developing deep empathy, the ability to comfort, and an understanding of physical and emotional needs. A high school or college student who has been involved in extracurricular activities like organizing events, participating in team sports, or leading a school club is developing leadership, teamwork, and communication skills.
Are you gaining useful skills and experience in your current life but feeling the call to use them for something higher?
All these experiences can help you minister to God’s people.
Sign #2: You Feel the Desire For Ministry.
If you feel a desire for ministry, it is a good thing. Don’t push that good desire away. Calling begins with desire, and it is the means by which God measures the heart to determine how to bless you.
The Psalmist says in Psalm 37:4, “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
When you enjoy being in God's presence through prayer or Bible study, your heart's desires begin to form. These desires come from your time spent with God, so don't be afraid of them. Instead, see them as guidance for your future and your life's purpose. Move forward with these desires, trusting that they are part of God's plan for your life.
God promises in Psalm 37 to direct the steps of those who are walking by righteousness:
"Our steps are made firm by the Lord when He delights in our way; though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand.”
After you've spent time with God in prayer and reflection and believe that He has placed something in your heart, pay attention to how He guides your steps in that direction.
This should ease your worry about whether it's from Him or just your own idea. If it's from God, move forward and see how He connects the pieces for you to live out your calling in ministry.
Sign #3: Others around you affirm your gifting and calling.
God's call to ministry starts within you, but you should also look outside yourself for confirmation. David's brothers disliked him, and his father overlooked him, but King Saul, who later became his enemy, was the one who saw David's potential and gave him an opportunity. This shows that sometimes God's confirmation comes from unexpected places.
There are three key steps to understanding your career calling: looking up to God, looking inside yourself, and looking around for external affirmation. Once these align, it's important to seek small confirmations. One way to do this is to test the waters—apply for training or education. Education will help you identify your strengths and areas where you need more experience. Plus, the people you meet during your training will inspire and support you, providing valuable connections for your future in ministry.
The final sign that God's calling you to a career in ministry is an ongoing sign. I think Paul said it best in Philippians 1:20, “I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”
It is God that started it in you, and through Him, He will complete it through you.
You don’t have to have what it takes. You just need to know that God started it and will finish it!
Sign #4: You have confidence that what He started in you, He will finish through you.
If these signs of a career in ministry resonate with you. Good!
Start moving away from your current job or situation, trusting that the lessons you've learned will help you in your new role as a minister. Follow the desire God has placed in your heart. Seek confirmation from others about what God has already confirmed in you. Then, act!
Pursue formal training, knowing that God will finish what He has started in you.
As Jesus said to Peter as He commissioned Him for a life in ministry, “Feed my sheep.”
If this resonates with you, you have been called and commissioned.
Go now and prepare yourself for ministry!