Into a metal (not clay, it'll crack) pot (a cast-iron dutch oven works well), place equal parts alcohol and Epsom salts--maybe slightly more alcohol. Be sure the cauldron is on a fire-proof surface and restrain yourself from festooning it with flammable draperies and altar clothes.

Light the cauldron and let it burn COMPLETELY OUT before adding more alcohol. NEVER add alcohol to a live flame (the stream of liquid can catch fire and you may be badly burned). NEVER leave candles burning on an altar when you are not there to watch them (even those glass seven-day spell candles).

For information on celebrating Brigid with children, including stories, rituals, and recipes, see "Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Tradition," by Diane Baker, Anne Hill and Starhawk. Bantam, 1998, pp. 125-147.

A Brigid Litany from our 1985 ritual can be found in Starhawk's "Truth or Dare: Encounters With Power, Authority and Mystery." HarperSanFrancisco, 1987, pp. 287-295.
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