May 2001

A "Friendly Fight" Between Cardinals
By Andrew Greeley

Learning from the Good Sisters
The 'Nun Study' offers life lessons for all of us

Is the English Liturgy Too PC?
Vatican issues new translation rules

Blessed Mother Complex
Are some Catholics too cool for Mary?

Weighing McVeigh
Members debate capital punishment

Finding God, 9 to 5
10 practical ways to bring God to work

More to Do Than "I Do"
Why are so many young Catholics marrying outside the church?

Rites of Initiation
Confirmation, First Communion, and more

April 2001

Christian Art's Greatest Hits
PBS's "The Face: Jesus in Art"

Why Reverent Art Outsells the Irreverent
by Jack Miles

March 2001

From M.B.A. to S.J.
Leaving G.E. for the priesthood. An interview with Fr. James Martin, S.J.

Graceland for the Faithful
Pope John Paul II Cultural Center opens in D.C.

Sexual Abuse in Africa
Report claims priests target nuns

The House That God Built
Do churches with modern designs measure up?

The Next Pope
By Ralph McInerny

Time for Opus Dei to Come Clean
By Eugene Kennedy

February 2001

Mission Possible?
Reuniting the Protestant and Catholic churches

Fasting Chic
Is abstaining in?

Chat Transcript: L.A.'s Cardinal Roger Mahony

January 2001

The Catholic Abortion Paradox
Why are Catholic women more likely to have an abortion than Protestants?
By Alissa Rubin

The Christian Menace
Why the media fears Ashcroft. By Ralph McInerny

Padre Pio's Angels
By Joan Wester Anderson


  • What It Means
    By Ben Witherington III
  • Chalking the Door
    A family activity
  • Epiphany Carol
    Listen to a Thomas Merton poem (Requires RealPlayer.)

    The Church and Anti-Semitism
    Harvey Cox reviews James Carroll's latest book

    Quiz: Angels in the Bible

    The Vatican Enforcer
    A new biography of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

    The Miter vs. the Beanie
    Kenneth Briggs on headgear for bishops

    December 2000

    Christmas @ Beliefnet

    The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven
    They're two different things, says the Vatican.
    By Tom Bethell

    The Heroism of Hope
    America has a president, but no winners. By Sister Joan Chittister

    Not Your Father's Decency Pledge

    November 2000

    New Rules for Mass
    Vatican crackdown or liturgical tuneup?

    Why I Like Being Catholic

    Defending 'Hitler's Pope'

    October 2000

    The 'New' Catholic Wedding Liturgy

    White Smoke for a Black Pope?

    "Thinking Catholic" Is Not an Oxymoron


    December 1999

    January 2000

    February 2000

    March 2000

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