Screen It! is not attempting to rate the movie as good or bad but to give parents the tools to decide whether it's appropriate for their kids.

This movie has been screened for objectional content in 15 areas. Click for a detailed look.

OUR WORD TO PARENTS: The following is a brief summary of the content found in this PG-rated comedy aimed at kids. Although not everything that occurs is meant to be taken seriously, here's what's present. A great deal of cartoon-like violence occurs where plenty of firepower (guns, machine guns, tanks, etc...) are used in attempts to harm/kill the title character and some of that may be somewhat intense for some younger viewers. Other more slapstick style violence is also present, some of which kids may want to imitate. In addition to that, all of the villains have the standard comic book/cartoon style bad attitudes and behavior, and the film similarly offers the obligatory scatological humor (farting sounds, bird poop on a person's head, etc...) often found in kids films. Some drinking is present, with one supporting character being drunk and then having a hangover the next morning. Beyond all of that, the film's remaining categories are relatively void of any major objectionable content. Nonetheless, and especially considering that the film is aimed at younger kids, you may want to take a closer look at what's been listed should you still be concerned about the film's appropriateness for anyone in your home.
Regarding the short G-rated cartoon, "The Phox, The Box & The Lox," the precedes the main film (that may or may not play in your theater or appear once on video), it contains a conniving fox (who gets his comeuppance), some slapstick style comedy (an oaf constantly hitting his head) and implied, but covered nudity (a young lass hiding herself behind foliage).
Comedy: A Canadian Mountie hopes to thwart a villain's plans to swindle the unsuspecting and steal his girl. Based on the cartoon shorts featured in the TV series "Rocky and Bullwinkle."
With much of the film aimed squarely at them (and with it starring Brendan "George of the Jungle" Fraser), it's probably a good bet many younger kids will want to see it.
For mild comic action violence, and for brief language and innuendo.
  • BRENDAN FRASER plays the dedicated but somewhat dimwitted Mountie who decides he must play "dirty" with the villains in order to defeat them.
  • ALFRED MOLINA plays the head villain, a dastardly fellow who will stop at nothing to improve his own lot.
  • SARAH JESSICA PARKER plays Dudley's childhood love who's grown up into a worldly, but flighty young woman who can't decide whether she's better off with Dudley or Whiplash.
  • ERIC IDLE plays a poor prospector who helps train Dudley in the ways of being the "bad guy" to defeat Whiplash.
    Click on a category for specific details or scroll through the page for a broader overview.

    Guns/Weapons |

    Disrespectful/Bad Attitude | Violence |

    Alcohol/Drugs | Imitative Behavior |

    Frightening/Tense Scenes | Blood/Gore | Music (Scary/Tense) | Profanity | Sex/Nudity | Smoking | Topics To Talk About | Jump Scenes | Music (Inappropriate) | Tense Family Scenes |

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  • A man dressed as an American Indian may have been drinking a beer (he's holding a can, but it couldn't be identified).
  • People have drinks in a bar.
  • We see the first prospector (Eric Idle) walking along with a bottle of liquor and it's obvious he's quite drunk. The next morning, he also has a hangover.
  • People have wine in a restaurant.
  • Whiplash has some champagne and later has tropical drinks with his head minion (and then orders two "mud slingers").
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  • In a few scenes were hear Dudley's horse farting.
  • A pigeon lands on Whiplash's head and defecates on him.
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  • Not all of what occurs is meant to be taken seriously or at face value.
  • A young Whiplash takes Dudley's ice cream cone and puts it on the boy's head and he also states that he's going to grow up to be a bad guy since they get to have all of the fun.
  • As an adult, Whiplash and his associates have both for being (comic book/cartoon style) villains. As such, Whiplash robs a bank, plants fake gold to create another gold rush, ties up a bank president on some train tracks with a train approaching, kicks out a family after acquiring their mortgage, and repeatedly tries to kill Dudley.
  • Some viewers may take offense at a stereotypical representation of American Indians.
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  • It's possible that some of the youngest kids could find some scenes listed under "Violence" as tense (such as the villains chasing after Dudley, etc...), but most are played in an over-the-top, cartoon-like way.
  • Whiplash tells Dudley that there are vampires in the nearby woods, and the fact that it's nighttime, we hear wolf sounds and then later see Whiplash sporting vampire teeth to scare Dudley, all may frighten some kids.
  • We see Dudley running one of Whiplash's tied-up minions toward a large and spinning saw blade (but it turns out to be fake).
  • Dudley races on horseback toward tanks that are firing at him and at one moment he and his horse are knocked to the ground by an explosion (but are immediately okay).
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  • Handguns/Machine guns/Mortars/Tanks/Dynamite: Used by Whiplash and his team to threaten or try to wound Dudley and others. See "Violence" for details.
  • Shotgun: Used by Whiplash to fire "gold" dust onto mine walls or into streams.
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  • Phrases: "What a bunch of wimps," "Stupid," "Idiots," "Freakin'," "Shut up," "I'm getting screwed," "Suck up," "Nuts" (crazy) and "Screwed."
  • A young Whiplash states that he's going to grow up to be a bad guy since they get to have all of the fun.
  • A young Whiplash takes Dudley's ice cream cone and puts it on the boy's head.
  • Dudley's horse occasionally blows raspberries (that elicited laughter from kids at our screening).
  • We see that Whiplash has a bank president tied up on some train tracks with a train approaching.
  • Afraid that vampires are nearby, Dudley carries a burning stick that then catches his hat on fire. Since it's played for laughs, kids might get the wrong idea about such matters.
  • As the prospector tells Dudley they're going to do a trust exercise where he'll throw rocks that will barely miss Dudley, they end up hitting the Mountie several times (that elicited laughs from kids).
  • Dudley shoots his initials into a wall with a machine gun.
  • We see that Whiplash's miniature golf course has been covered in toilet paper.
  • Whiplash paints some paint onto the forehead of one of his minions.
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  • A few bits of playful and/or adventurous suspenseful music occur during the film.
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  • At least 1 crap and 1 use of "Oh my God" as exclamations.
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  • We briefly see a photo of Whiplash's head superimposed on the body of a male bodybuilder who's wearing just a very small, thong-like piece of clothing.
  • As Dudley and Nell start to kiss at the end of the movie, she pulls down a fake slide to prevent us from watching them.
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  • Acting like General MacArthur storming the beach, Whiplash may have been carrying a pipe.
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  • That while the film ends with the narrator saying that only good things happen to those who are good (and bad things happen to those who are bad), Dudley resorts to some self-admitted bad behavior to defeat Whiplash.
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  • The film contains some slapstick style moments that include Dudley as a kid and an adult falling backwards and out of a chair, and various floorboards popping up and hitting Dudley on the head (once sending him through a window--and later, a board also hits Nell). Later, and as the prospector trains Dudley to be a tough guy, we see him do the following to Dudley. He hits him in the gut with a stick, and throws rocks that are supposed to just miss him, but instead hit him in the forehead, nose, and crotch. He then hits Dudley on the legs several times with a stick and finally over the head that sends the Mountie to the ground.
  • In cartoon material that plays during the opening credits, a train comically derails and crashes, a cartoon character drops off a standard cartoon bomb, Dudley shoots his gun at unseen people and Whiplash fires his tank at Dudley (but gets crushed by a rolling boulder instead).
  • Whiplash and many of his friends rob a bank at gunpoint. Later, when those friends think they've been double-crossed, one of them states that he's going to find Whiplash and kill him, albeit slowly.
  • After Whiplash fires a shotgun filled with gold dust into a mine wall, we hear that mine collapse on him (but he's okay).
  • We see that Whiplash has a bank president tied up on some train tracks with a train approaching.
  • Some cars crash into each other and then through toll booths at a border crossing.
  • Many bad guys walk in and hold their guns on Whiplash, but he quickly talks them out of doing him any harm.
  • One of Whiplash's minions plants dynamite all around Dudley's log cabin and then accidently detonates it (although we only see a huge fireball from a distance and then see the charred, but alive minion reporting back to Whiplash).
  • Seeing that Nell is now with Whiplash, Dudley reaches over and starts choking the prospector but stops once he realizes what he's doing.
  • Someone trips Dudley, sending him falling to a dance floor.
  • We see Dudley running one of Whiplash's tied-up minions toward a large and spinning saw blade (but it turns out to be fake).
  • Dudley shows up at one of Whiplash's outposts firing his machine gun (that catches a nearby helicopter on fire) and then shoots his initials into a wall.
  • As men chase Dudley through the woods on motorcycles, several of them wreck and wipe out.
  • Dudley's Indian friends launch fireworks at Whiplash and his approaching forces, hitting some of them with those fireworks.
  • As Whiplash and his army fire machine guns at Dudley, Nell and their Indian friends, the latter start throwing rocks back at the former and eventually send some large boulders careening down through the woods at them. Whiplash's forces then fire mortars at them, followed by plenty of artillery fire from tanks.
  • Dudley races on horseback toward the tanks that are firing at him and at one moment he and his horse are knocked to the ground by an explosion (but are immediately okay).
  • Two tanks shoot each other and both explode (with their occupants being charred, but otherwise okay).
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