Needing God

It is almost all about the things that we want in our lives. It’s all about how we can be on top in life at any given time or in any given situation, it is about how we can be better than the person next to us. We don’t really think about how to better ourselves and our lives by talking to God and having a personal relationship with Him.  It’s almost always the thinking of only, “Me, me, me. How can I better myself just to get what I want and where I want to be in life?”

We hardly ever stop to think about what God wants in our lives or for our lives. He wants our lives to be fruitful, full of happiness and blessings. He wants us to enjoy our everyday life to the absolute fullest. He wants to bless us in ways that we can only know came from Him.

What God wants to do in our lives seems upside down at times in so many ways, from how we might expect Him to do things. But God tells us in His word, that His thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, and His ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.

God wants us to continually look to him in all things. No matter what we are doing, we can always and should always look to God for guidance and wisdom in our daily tasks. With Him, it is the only way we actually get through every day of our lives. Without Him, we wouldn’t be able to do anything that we are able to do.

Without Him, we wouldn’t have the air to breathe or be able to speak or walk or be able to have a job, or the ability to get to work with a reliable vehicle. No matter how bad things can seem in our lives, He always has His ways, not our ways of getting us through and around our troubles, turmoil and obstacles that seem to be impossible to overcome.

It should be of great comfort to know that our thoughts aren’t His thoughts and that His ways aren’t our ways. Wouldn’t you rather have an all-knowing and an all-powerful and an all loving God in control of your life instead of trying to take your own life in your own hands and to try and convince yourself, “Oh I can make it on my own.”?

Wouldn’t you rather have the peace that surpasses all human understanding knowing that God is with you and if He is with you, then no one and nothing can stand against you? Wouldn’t you rather know that God is in control of your life and knows each day and what will occur in each day of your life?

I’d rather not have the pressure of perfection on me all the time, but I admit, I do put a lot of pressure on myself to do things right.  I get easily discouraged if I can’t do something the correct way, or as easily as other people can. But I also know that God has blessed me with unique abilities and strengths that He hasn’t given anybody else.

To know He knows me and designed me perfectly, even when I feel as though I can’t do anything right, He reminds me that He knows me, loves me and wants me to have peace in my life. He reminds me that life is way too short not to have peace within myself. Life is too short to not have peace within yourself too.

Whenever we think our lives aren’t going to turn out the way we planned or that they won’t turn out right, we can remember the verse of Jeremiah 29:11 which says, ‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” We can take comfort in that verse.

Another verse that we can take comfort in is, Psalm 139:13, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” He created you and knows exactly who you are, what you’ll do and who you will become in life. Although that might scare some people into thinking that they’re doomed, it should be a comfort knowing that God knows you that well. He knows exactly where you are in life and where He will lead you and where you’ll end up. He even knows when it is the right time to call you home into His Heavenly Kingdom.

Live your life according to God’s plan, not according to your own plan. Even with life’s ups and downs, enjoy every moment.  It’ll go so much smoother.

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