
God is bigger than any problems you may be facing. He is bigger than your fears. He can take your fears and turn them into lessons that you need to learn. He is bigger than any family issues that may be going on in your life. He can use you to teach them about His love for them. He is bigger than any financial problems in your life that you may be dealing with right now. He is making a way out of that difficulty even as you are still contemplating how to get through it and how to cope with it. God is bigger than any marriage problems you and your wife and or husband may be going through. He will help you know exactly what actions to take and whether the marriage will work out.

God is bigger than anything you fear. He doesn’t give us a spirit of fear, but rather a spirit of courage. He will help you conquer your fears if you put them in prayer and ask Him to take them away from you. You have to do your part to overcome them though as well. You can’t just pray for them to be taken away and then think that you don’t have to do any work to overcome them anymore.
God is bigger than any arguments and disagreements that you may have with your parents. God put them in your life and you in their lives for a reason. It may not always seem like a good idea to always try and listen to them, but God has a purpose for them teaching you everything you need to know in life. No matter the arguments, God is bigger than them. He will give you the words to say and the opportunities to speak your mind in a calm manner when the right time appears. Even though it may be difficult to express how you are feeling, telling them what is on your mind is almost always better in the long run.
God is bigger than any struggle or argument you may have with your friends too. If you’re struggling with your friends and don’t know who is a true friend to you or not, ask God for discernment. Ask him to help you figure out who is really there for you and who isn’t. He will help you figure out how to approach your friends and to figure out what to say to them, as well as how to walk away from people who don’t deserve a piece of your heart, nonetheless to even be in your life.
God is bigger than financial problems. He will help you through them in ways that no one else can. He will also teach you how to be better at managing your finances.
If you are suffering from illness such as cancer, God is bigger than that as well. Even though you may not understand why God has allowed you to go through the illness, He is moving mountains that you don’t even see yet. He is with you at all times through it and has never left you, nor will He ever forsake you. The love He has for you knows no bounds. He will carry you through it.
God is bigger than any career change that you may have to make. He will walk with you to know where to apply for the jobs, and to know what to say in any interviews you get. He is bigger than the fear that comes with moving to a new place. He will place people around you to mentor you through the first few weeks to months at your new job to make you feel more comfortable. He will also let you know when it is time to move on from one job and onto another.
To put a fun spin on it, does anyone remember Veggie Tales? It is a children’s show that teaches kids of all ages valuable lessons about life and most importantly it teaches them about God. There is a song in one of the episodes that says, “God is bigger than the boogie man. He’s bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on TV. Oh God is bigger than the boogie man and He’s watching out for you and me.” The song teaches kids not to be afraid of the dark or anything that may surrounding them.
God is bigger than anything we may face in any of our lives. The other great news is that He knows exactly what will happen in our lives and is working everything out for our good and for the good of His Kingdom.
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