“What do you mean those are the only guys available?” Wes and I are now faced with the real possibility that Atlanta doesn’t have anymore tall, dark and suave men age 35 that can act. You would think that in such a diverse town this would not be a problem, right? But we chew through about 100 actors a year doing our reenactments for “Sid Roth’s, It’s Supernatural” TV show. This was our fear when moving here. I’m thinking of taking out an ad in the Hollywood Reporter: ACTORS! Move to Atlanta! NOW! I wonder who would give up “the dream” and invite real humidity into their lives? So, as it stands, we have until Thursday to find the right person…or should I say, we have until Thursday for my Heavenly Father to find me the right actor. It’s HIS show so I’m putting this back into his court. You can’t get a miracle unless you leave room for the miraculous to occur. Counterintuitive, ain’t it?

I have realized over the years that I am BARELY in control of anything…and I mean, ANYTHING. I know, I’m using a lot of capital letters in this post but I want this to really sink in. My efforts will more often get in the way of what my Heavenly Father has prepared for me and the sooner I realize this, the more joy I have because performance pressure is off of me and onto Him.

I have this quote at the end of one of email boxes for responses, “If God wants all the glory, He has to do all the work.” I chewed on that for a year and literally everyday, I began to realize how much this is true. Yet, Hollywood and those surrounding it are all about the credit. That is how you get your next job…what you did before, whether good or bad, so giving God all of the credit doesn’t come with a lot of understanding from the industry rank and file.

I ask God to let me say that I did stuff and He usually will figure out a creative way to promote me if I go ahead and put the credit where it is due…at His feet. He’s like that, loving on his children in different and unexpected ways.

Maybe today is the day that you give your Heavenly Father all the credit He deserves? See how He promotes you when you give Him the praise He so richly deserves!

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