A Touch of Encouragement

Dear Friends, This was a difficult week for me; it was the anniversary of my father’s death and it is always an emotional time. Seventeen years have passed and yet, as so many of you understand, a song, a photograph, an old letter can still bring back the crushing pain and the seemingly unbearable loss.…

A Parade Magazine Poll has named Rosie O’Donnell The Most Annoying Celebrity of 2007. I can remember a time when I’d grab the Sunday newspaper and search for the Parade Magazine insert and more often than not I’d find a story or two about our most inspiring celebrities, not to mention the inspirational stories of…

This simple habit gave somebody a brand new start every day.

If it’s hard to believe that it’s 2008 already, imagine how they felt back in 1751. When the English fell asleep on March 24, 1751, they awoke to March 25, 1752. It was all part of a tricky plan to switch from the flawed Julian calendar to the presumably more accurate Gregorian calendar, according to…

On the last night of December, sixteen hundred and two years ago, according to Thomas Cahill, author of “How The Irish Saved Civilization“, “the Rhine river froze solid, providing the natural bridge that hundreds of thousands of hungry men, women, and children had been waiting for….” With this he begins the story of the fall…

Somewhere in Texas there’s a little boy named Logan who broke my heart this morning.

Here’s a New Year’s resolution you’ll probably want to keep.

I saw a survey yesterday that confirmed that neighborhood Christmas caroling is on the wane. With clickable advent calendars and online shopping, the demise of neighborhood carolers is not a surprise to anyone. But it is sad. I was mourning the disappearance of those “good old days” last night as my husband and I walked…

The best Christmas carol he ever heard. Did you see Oh, Holy Night, Part 1?

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