Have a Magnificent Day!

As I started my fast track to success, I was fortunate to have the wonderful books of Catherine Ponder recommended to me.  Her books are fun, enlightening and metaphysical.Most importantly they work when applied and create miracles and amazing outcomes. I highly recommend “Open Your Mind to Prosperity,” along with all of her other books…

What I am is an individualized unit of consciousness.I am created by God in the image of God. I Am a Spiritual Being.I Am a child of God. I am Eternal, Immortal, Universal & Infinite and what I am is Beautiful.God does not make mistakes. Deep within my being is my true purpose.I am here…

What do you really want?Be that right now. You can always do something right now in the direction that you want to go.Take whatever step possible from your present situation. Be the essence of that right now in your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.See and feel it clearly. Go forward! Use your imagination and create whatever…

This very moment is all that you have.Right now is the only time available to create what you want in your life. Do you expect good things to happen to you?Are you consistently open and positive to life and expecting good for yourself and others? Even more important, do you expect miracles to happen?In order…

How do you perceive life?Do you look at it as a game where anything is possible or do you look at it as a battle? Whatever way you choose to see it, you are right.So why not see it as a game of giving and receiving? As you give, so shall you receive….The energy, thoughts,…

1) Success- Through a consistent increase in the quality of your life. Pat Riley talks about having an “excellent game” and “game excellence,” which is consistent.It is the difference between once and a while achieving excellence in a particular game, versus being excellent each and every game like Michael Jordan. Are you constantly increasing the…

Is it easier to fight and swim upstream rather then go with the current of the river?When we say yes we go with the flow and we accept the way life is. Life always gives us exactly what is best for our growth.All of the needed resources are available in this moment. Sometimes from our…

Nothing can stop an enthusiastic person from succeeding.Enthusiasm is contagious and unstoppable. Everyone wants to be around enthusiastic people.An enthusiastic person is excited and interested in the people and things around them. The definition of enthusiasm is “inspired by God.”What happens when enthusiasm is combined with passion? When this energy is focused on your natural…

Being ALL IN or GOING TOTAL brings a 100% commitment to whatever you are focused on. This makes a major difference in the quality of your output and creativity.Intention + Attention + Action = Outcome By being willing to do whatever it takes you can only succeed. Having a clearly defined Game Plan is planning…

Today, right now, I am free to choose.This moment is a place of great power. I can create whatever I wish because I have the power to choose.God gave me the freedom of choice. Do not take this opportunity for granted and use it to its fullest.Whatever you want is possible as long as you…

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