God's Comic

This is Thanksgiving week and I think it is important that we seek to give thanks not just for the obvious but also for the mundane and overlooked in our lives. Books, for example, are a vanishing item in our Internet new world. Ask a kid under 12 what is the latest book he has…

On Sunday night Nov 27 the GMC channel will exclusively air the movie that was created from my rant about “Christmas vs Halloween” that was sampled on the GoFish song “Christmas with a Capital C.” The movie is called Christmas with a capital C as well and so I thought I would revisit a blog…

I write this on a Monday, which makes me wonder how many of us actually know the meanings of the days of the week? Monday is an ancient Gallic word Mun-dean where we get the word “mundane”. Monday being the start of the workweek is dreaded and a reminder of the beginning of another difficult…

Tonight is Halloween. For those of you unfamiliar with the holiday it’s a beautiful time of year where small children are encouraged to pretend to be someone else and come to the homes of strangers and ask for candy. Ironically the other 364 days of the year we spend telling children NOT to take candy…

In Oregon they have a new curriculum mandatory for all students from 11-18 yrs old called “practicality in life skills”. This is a new class and somewhat unorthodox but as one teacher put it “ We as educators can do the most good for our students by helping them to be self sufficient without judgment…

I went to the Dr. the other day because my wife said there was a spot on my nose and I should have him look at it. Wives after all these years are still incredibly naïve when it comes to male health. The first rule of thumb is always “ if there is something on…

Children aren’t born with manners. No, they have to learn them. In every area of life, from how to play nice with each other, how not to hit, or even how to eat in front of others. At the dinner table untrained children burp and talk with their mouth full. That’s why it is incumbent…

My son is fifteen years old. For those of you that haven’t had the pleasure of raising a boy from infancy it’s really quite simple. You ‘re only role for the most part is to keep him from killing himself. Meanwhile he’ll be climbing anything he can find and searching for creative ways to break…

Liberals cuss…a lot! Cussing to a liberal doesn’t represent crassness or crudeness. How could it? To be crass and crude means one is kowtowing to a puritanical backward way of seeing culture. Liberals don’t believe in “The” Bible, they believe in “A” bible though. The Constitution represents the liberal’s omnipotent scriptures. Don’t believe me? Liberal…

1911- “Boys will be boys”. /2011 “Boys will need Ridlin”. 1911- “A stitch in time saves nine”/2011“ Aren’t a dozen socks a buck 99 at Walmart?” 1911- “ A penny saved is a penny earned” / 2011 “ Good news, Visa extended our rate!” 1911- “ Children should be seen and not heard”/ 2011 children…

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