God's Comic

Where did we ever come up with the romantic notion that the best way to die is in our sleep? First things first, when it comes to dying, there really isn’t a “good” way to go. Why? Because you’re dead! Dying in your sleep I believe comes with a lot of potential pitfalls. The first…

Traveling today on an airplane next to the infamous crying. Screaming fidgety babies, while annoying, don’t bother me that much. Granted it’s unpleasant, but having had 2 kids myself I have the expertise to educate the baby-less in this little known fact. Believe it or not, one cannot reason with an infant. This always makes…

You know my fellow Americans, when it comes to military service, shouldn’t there be at least some basic requirements? When I think of a serviceman, I think of John Wayne, George Washington or Patton! I think of a rough and tumble, gritty, pull no punches man’s man! The military is no place for the weak…

Americans know what they want when it comes to cars. We love convertibles for example because it’s the open air. It’s part of our heritage. Americans love to travel, and we are the experts. We travel everywhere we go, otherwise, we wouldn’t get anywhere. We are the lineage of a people that were willing to…

Around this time of year we always comment that another year has come and gone. But has it really? I mean we have arbitrarily created the calendar year based on the earth’s rotation around the sun or something to that effect. But just because it does rotate consistently doesn’t mean we had to choose that…

As of this writing the GoFish song Christmas with a Capital C is one of the most requested songs on Christian radio. This song sampled my Christmas rant from “Put a Helmet On!” and has well over 18 MILLION hits on YouTube. The song and my routine is simply a response to the politically correct…

This is Thanksgiving week and I think it is important that we seek to give thanks not just for the obvious but also for the mundane and overlooked in our lives. Books, for example, are a vanishing item in our Internet new world. Ask a kid under 12 what is the latest book he has…

Once I was watching a “Ripley’s believe it or not” T.V. episode with my son whom, at the time, was all of 12. If ever there was a show designed for the psyche of a 12 year old boy it has to be Ripley’s. Every episode we can be assured somebody is going to entertain…

Tonight is Halloween. For those of you unfamiliar with the holiday it’s a beautiful time of year where small children are encouraged to pretend to be someone else and come to the homes of strangers and ask for candy. Ironically the other 364 days of the year we spend telling children NOT to take candy…

Children aren’t born with manners. No, they have to learn them. In every area of life, from how to play nice with each other, how not to hit, or even how to eat in front of others. At the dinner table untrained children burp and talk with their mouth full. That’s why it is incumbent…

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