Fresh Living

Valerie, I love your description of the Facebook iPod Shuffle game as “high-tech divination.”  So here’s what my iTunes tarot had to say. (I must say I’m a little alarmed that “my life’s purpose” is “Lies,” and I danced at my wedding at “Up Where We Belong,” thank you very much!  But wow, I’d be…

An unbelievably gifted orator, there’s a reason Abraham Lincoln is oft quoted. We wish the deeply spiritual–but not religious–man a happy 200th birthday today. Last week some editors at Beliefnet put together some of his pithiest quotes–check them out here.

There are environmental, economic, and logistical things to consider when deciding how much of a locavore to be.  But is buying local spiritual? Our Beliefnet blog brother Gus diZerega has a fascinating post over on A Pagan’s Blog about this very question.  He says: “Spiritually, buying from [a] larger perspective recognizes we are anything but…

One thing flying around Facebook right now is what I’m calling the iPod Shuffle Oracle Game. Basically you take your MP3 player or iTunes, set it to shuffle songs, ask a question, and hit “play.” It’s actually hugely fun and somewhat eerie. Sometimes the “answers” are as cryptic as a curbside psychic, but sometimes they’re…

Reader jestrfyl posted on The Health Secrets of Lemons that limes are just as healing as lemons–and more intensely flavored.  I say amen, J – which brings me back to chicken soup. Seriously!  Vietnamese cuisine has long paired limes (and basil, yummmm) with chicken soup.  So next time you want to mix it up a…

As Friday night approaches, homes across America will fill with the soothing aroma of chicken soup.  It’ll cure what ails ya – they don’t call it “Jewish Penicillin” for nothing!  Everyone has their family traditions and secrets (my Aunt Minnie put parsnips in hers, and that spicy, earthy flavor really sends me).  If you think…

Check out this luscious flower-y scarf – and download the pattern free!  A very thoughtful colleague just sent me word that Barnes & Noble’s how-to website is having a February special offer: free knitting and crochet patterns.  I’m in the middle of a crochet project now (I can’t knit to save my life), but…

I’m usually in one of three colors: pink, purple, or black–or some combo thereof. I try to fight it to avoid being the crazy lady who only wears three colors, but alas, the reds and the oranges and the greens mostly end up languishing on their hangers. It’s so extreme that yesterday a co-worker pointed…

At Valentine’s Day a woman’s fancy turns to thoughts of chocolate.  Where I come from, chocolate is a health food (turns out, science agrees!). So what are your favorites?  Here are my current favies–Green & Blacks organic caramel and almond milk chocolate bars, Lake Champlain (made in Vermont!) dark chocolate peppermint crunch, and a big…

It’s amazing what snow will do when left to its own swirl-y devices.  When we went to Cape Cod a few weeks ago, this what was waiting for us on our porch.  Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

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