“Wise men don’t need to prove their point; men who need to prove their point aren’t wise.” — Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu Thinking with love is a blessing to ourselves and the world we inhabit. Being loving is not meant to prove a point.  It is an action that is whole and complete.…

Loving thought in the world creates space for unlimited possibilities.   That energy of love’s purest grace is made manifest through our soul’s code working in concert with our nature.  How we cultivate this powerful force of our being relates the ease at which we move through the world lending our imprint. Cultivating love in…

Surrender is the wisdom of the faithful open heart to realize miracles.  It is one of the biggest powers we have to manifest grace into and through our life with so much love.  My Mom always says, ‘Melanie, come on now.’ When I give her the famous lines ‘All we can do is pray.’    Almost all…

Sometimes you have to shift up your game plan and invite in new possibilities. This principle of openness can be applied to everything in your life.  It is the discipline of patience for what is.  I have invited this process as the way I move forward on birthing projects. Love, grace and words spoken from Melanie…

We are powerful beyond measure. We are here to be in service to our purpose.  We are the people. Everytime I think about the great women I know and have inspired me I am brought to tears.  For all that have come before me and all that will follow.  May today mark the fullest expression…

When you feel you can’t go on.  It is a great to stop and say  — play on.  Let whatever it is play on.   There is a moment of freedom in taking a wonderful deep releasing breath out and relax for beat entering into a new stream of possibility.  Life is achieved in the…

Love in itself is the first and final act of life itself. Love is the presence of the eternal. All we can hope to get from an other is an expression and reflection of love that will bring up everything unlike itself – all of it available to be looked at and released in the healing space…

You want to become a great screenwriter because you have been inspired by great screenwriting. It is as simple as that. Words on a page brought to life by actors. Those moments in the movie theater where your heart thrills at the glorious movement of images projected on a screen showcasing the true beauty of…

Today and everyday is a day to let our souls speak their mission and stretch into the future and develop a practice of vision. Expand yourself no matter what your circumstance and remember as Rilke wrote to live the question. WHY AM I HERE? Beyond the glitz and glamour and the who is wearing what…

May it get easier and more effortless for you to go through deeper and deeper doors of love and receiving blessings. Ask spirit for help to guide you to the person place and thing that is necessary for your greatest good. Connect with your inner power today and every day. That force that is in…

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