Emanual Swedenborg connected the other side and heaven in the concepts of divine love and wisdom leaving a rich soul full experience. The spiritual world is distinct from the natural world but connected via an energy present in all things. When Ghandi years later discussed that the ends are inherent in the means he picked up…

Dance and Activism as a loving movement. No artist of the 20th century bridged so many of the arts like Martha Graham. She was and remains a trendsetter, an inspiration to the psyche of performance and artistry and connection. She created pathways of understanding that transcended her main vocation – that of a dancer and…

My nephew would bust into every room he entered and say “I have a great idea.” Believe me, not all of his ideas were great. I applaud his verve and I appreciate and celebrate him, he was born that way and was given the gifts of compassion and empathy and balance to go along with…

In every life a little love must fall. Love of our streets Love of our neighbors Love of our fellow citizens Love of our neighbor countries’ Love of our business partners Love of our dry cleaners Love of our earth mates.     Mels Love Land has been a lot of things over the past…

Today we celebrate what the world we wish to see. I want a world of peace and a world of love. I want a world where we are not stuck in an illusion based on fear. I want a world of mercy and compassion and gratitude. I want a world where we understand the healed…

Been thinking a lot about personal responsibility, as the news trumpets on, and life marches forward and as change is constant and the ways we could complain endless. We have the opportunity right now to assume any position we want to assume, why not choose Love?   Take a stance of compassionate grace in your…

As we achieve a collective gridlock in beliefs, ideologies, passions, fundamentals, and opinions the only choice left is to go into the deeper conversation. There’s a Latin phrase that represents a foundational element of the healing arts, medicine, and the sciences, Primum non nocere — “First, do no harm.”  Entering any situation with this simple thought sets the stage for…

Each of us finds our own way on the path of the peaceful spiritual warrior in Love, as my favorite Rabbi shares “capable of wrestling with life without being defeated by living.” Each of us finds our own way to express this language of the heart and live in our joy. May you be blessed today. May…

“Wise men don’t need to prove their point; men who need to prove their point aren’t wise.” — Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu Thinking with love is a blessing to ourselves and the world we inhabit. Being loving is not meant to prove a point.  It is an action that is whole and complete.…

In light of all that is happening and in celebration of the days ahead the single greatest action we can take is that of loving ourselves and sharing that love in the form of our own declaration of our planets independence from fear. Let us declare love, today and every day. Let us declare love…

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