…Universal truth does not change only the illusion of ego is ever shape shifting. When you look at life with Love the truth is evident.

With each breath Invite those you meet to be better today than they were yesterday Be grounded in your own magnificence Radiating your inner light that is within us that is not of us. Enrich each moment with care and work, making conscious choices. Free of the energies that keep you bound.  Allow nature to…

The flight of the soul is that moment when all that is worked for and disciplined toward and essential is lifted above the gravity and density of the earth’s pull in the contraction of birth rising into full elegance and grace.  

A measure of a man lives on in the hearts of those who are privileged to know him. It’s one of my favorite days of the year. The day we honor all the beautiful men in our lives that bring all of themselves to each moment embracing the role of a lifetime…. I AM A…

When going after something that to the present circumstance seems impossible like curing Alzheimer’s it often times requires a bold statement of intent.  As I was walking home through Beverly Hills, I saw this sign “This is Where it Will Happen” blockading off the sidewalk closure containing the construction of a new building harkening a…

A revolution takes place in the heart. It begins by hearing “Enough!” Enough of the thinking that led me astray. Enough of the actions that keep me in my pattern. Enough of the behavior that blocks me from accepting what is being offered in every moment. It begins by opening up and being willing to see…

Walking through open doors has always been elusive for me. The door would be open and I’d say. “Hmmm. Not now.” “Not ready.” “Maybe you should go first.” “Is it to warm, I don’t have a suit.” The door opens for a reason. For you to walk through. There are millions of doors that open…

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