Our culture today is filled with anger. Troll social media for a few minutes, and you’ll see it—people lashing out, spewing vitriol toward others without a second thought. Tune in to the news, and the story is the same: reporters stoking anger to capture your attention. I’ve been observing this daily, and one thing…

After clicking through a number of cable channels, I was stunned by the amount of profanity I heard during the family hours. We have this ongoing debate in our household. Do people really use the amount of profanity we hear on TV and in media? My teens seem to think media reflect the culture. I…

I’d love to hear from you on this question! According to a survey conducted by Northwestern researchers, most parents answered, YES! Despite the number of hours spent with TV, tablets, cell phones, computers and other devices, only 30% of the 2326 parents surveyed were concerned that their young children consumed too much media. Yes,parents acknowledged…

Reader Question: I just bought a magazine targeted for my daughter’s age group but I am appalled at the articles in it. She’s only twelve and the sexual content is blatant. I really don’t want her to read this. Am I being too sensitive? The sexual content marketed to tweeners and young adolescents in magazines…

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