Christians are not exempt from the natural causes of a fallen world or the progression of a poor environment or bad habits. Pain and suffering are consequences of the Fall. Our world is full of disease, illness, violence, abuse, and all sorts of pain. Scripture tells us that even creation groans in this fallen state.…

There are times in our lives when we feel we are in a dark season. It’s like we have fallen into a  pit-physically, mentally, emotionally, financially or even spiritually. Things happen; sometimes because of our own doing. Other times, because of the actions of others. And still other times, because of disease and the brokenness…

This will go down in history as one of the most unique Good Fridays we have ever experienced. We won’t be able to go to a church service. We won’t sit in the pew and contemplate the value of Christ’s sacrifice. We won’t engage in corporate repentance. No, this year, we will sit in the…

Today is Good Friday and some of us may feel as if life is lived in a perpetual Good Friday mode. Like the movie, Groundhog Day, it seems we are replaying the same bad day over and over, fighting despair and struggling. Disease, broken relationships, prodigal children…the landscape looks bleak and can easily lead to despair. Good Friday…

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