Throughout my clinical career, I’ve had the privilege of helping many individuals who struggle with eating disorders, obesity, and body image issues. When we think of these concerns, we often associate them with women, as these challenges disproportionately affect females. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that men and boys also face significant body image issues.…
  Our culture today is filled with anger. Troll social media for a few minutes, and you’ll see it—people lashing out, spewing vitriol toward others without a second thought. Tune in to the news, and the story is the same: reporters stoking anger to capture your attention. I’ve been observing this daily, and one thing…

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The holidays are over, and reality is setting in. Credit card bills are starting to hit, the sky is gray and heavy with clouds, and daylight feels shorter than ever. For many, the post-holiday slump is made worse by the cold, dark winter days, and the “winter blues” seem to hit harder than usual. In…

I have a simple, free practice that can significantly enhance your physical health. This isn’t a gimmick or a fleeting trend; it’s a habit you can adopt regularly to help you thrive. You have complete control over this change, and it can truly transform your life. Are you ready? It’s gratitude. Research shows that cultivating…

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