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A new study has revealed Gen Z’s online usage has jumped from last year to a record six hours per day. The study, conducted by Ofcom, monitored the smartphone and internet usage of 10,000 volunteers, and found that online usage had gone up from individuals aged 18 to 24 from four hours and 36 minutes…

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Lunch is noisy at Ottumwa High School in Ottumwa, IA. Yet, Superintendent Mike McGrory has found it a welcome change after the Ottumwa School District voted to ban cell phone use during school. The district currently only allows phones to be locked up in students’ lockers during school hours, making it the strictest policy in…
Here’s one more reason to limit your child’s time in front of a screen. Social media could be reprogramming children’s brains and making them hooked on “likes,” a new study from the University of North Carolina reveals. Experts say that apps such as Instagram or Snapchat could be making teenagers constantly check their phones to…

Technology has become largely omnipresent in the modern world. Print magazines and newspapers are steadily being replaced by digital options. Children can use iPads before they can read, and teens can read “emoji” as well as they can their first language. Many people will cheerfully boast about the good the internet has done. The ubiquity…

The good news is that teens are doing less binge drinking. The bad news is that teen vaping has shot through the roof. A recent survey from Monitoring the Future found that the number of teens who reported vaping has nearly doubled in the last year. That is the largest single increase that Monitoring the Future…

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