<a href=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MCBNSn1DlAU/SbxQybjhnYI/AAAAAAAACGo/51AFHOV9vsc/s1600-h/GC+426.jpg”> These picture were all from the recent ministry trip to Houston. The top picture is the beautiful dome in St. Mary’s Seminary where I lectured. The rest of the pictures are from the very fine exhibits at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. There was a special exhibit on Bactria, Alexander the Great’s…

———— N.T. Wright’s “Surprised by Hope” has been called an instant classic, and now with two years of positive reviews under its belt, it was time to sit down with the Bishop and ask some follow up questions which arise from some of the things he has said in the book and some of the…

It sneaks up on you unawaresWhile you are preoccupiedIt catches you quite unpreparedEnthralled as you are in your pride. Blindsided, you flinch instinctivelyWhen suddenly you are accostedYou realize in an instance ‘it’s now…’Or else you’ve totally lost it. All those years of pure preparationAll those long times of careful thoughtHave arrived at this destinationSo why…

THE NEW TESTAMENT IN ANTIQUITY— G.M. Burge, L.H. Cohick, G. L. Green (Zondervan 2009). ‘Of the making of Introductions to the New Testament, there is no end, and much reading is a weariness of the flesh’ but not all Introductions are created equal. This particular Introduction seeks to thoroughly place the New Testament within its…

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