Angels on Your Shoulder

Angels are beings of pure love. When we allow them into our lives fear becomes a thing of the past. Fear is no match for love. The more we love, the more we focus on gratitude, the more love we are aware of and the less fear we experience. Angels + gratitude = no fear…

I was thinking about writing a post about overcoming fear and I thought why not have fun. If we laugh at our fears they no longer have power over us. Years ago I had been working on changing my life and things were going pretty well. I was sitting on the beach and all of…

When you turn on a light at night the light dispels the darkness, the darkness just dissolves. Open your door at night and the light from your home spills out. Same is true of love. Love always dispels fear. When we let the light of our love shine amazing things happen. We can also focus…

Every day I watch the news and watch the politicians posture about the budget crisis in the United States. Most of them seem to have forgotten the government is suppose to be ‘of the people and for the people.’ But I do digress …. sort of. A lot of people are afraid of a financial…

I saw this wonderful video the other day and thought I would share it with you. It has a wonderful message. If you really let go of fear, trust the process and work with what is amazing things can and will happen. Angels come in different shapes and sizes and some even have four legs!!!…

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison I often tell my students not to quit just before the miracle happens. So often people do that to themselves. They give up just before a major shift is about to happen.…

When fear knocks it really is simple don’t answer. All of our fear is caused by our thoughts. When  our first fearful thought rises to the surface don’t feed it with more fearful thoughts. Of course once we start that chain of thoughts going it is hard to stop them. Angels never feel fear

Motivation in the traditional sense often comes from a fear-based place. It is an activity that originates in our mind. It is often based on a judgment or attitude of scarcity or self-doubt and seldom comes from a place of self-acceptance and love. We often motivate ourselves by moving away from pain rather than moving…

Fear arises from an assumption that what may happen next is NOT something we will enjoy, embrace and love experiencing. We assume the outcome won’t be positive. What would happen if you assumed the universe was a safe and nurturing place? That was one of the most important shifts I ever made in my thinking.…

What we think, how we think and what we think really matters influence our choices. It is amazing what choices anger or fear or sadness will cause us to make. Here is a video that absolutely amazes me. What were they thinking and all that damage because a hokey team lost.

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