Ask Archangel Jophiel to help you to help you to believe in yourself and celebrate your-self. This archangel can help you to beautify your thoughts and feelings and to help you see the beauty all around you and is also within you. Ask Jophiel to help you see the gifts you have already in your life. Feel the peace and serenity she gives to you. Allow her energy to surround you in an orb of light and in this light, you will know that you are loved.


You are as capable as you believe you are, or as weak as you tell yourself. Feed your mind and your body with healthy thoughts. Do not give in to negative self-talk. You are in control of your own mind ~ take the time to notice any negative chatter goes through your mind in the space of one hour. With conscious effort, you can regain your control of your thoughts, feelings and emotions.  Make your mind your friend.  You choose what thoughts  you keep. Consciously choose thoughts that enhance your day, and throw out the rest.  You are NOT your thoughts, you are reminded that you are a loving soul having a human experience.

Know that you are love!

As your transform your outdated thoughts and feeling, a purification process takes place and this sometimes can feel uncomfortable as you shed your old skin. It is important to take care of yourself and to also get through the process so that you can move on to something more meaningful to you.  Archangel Jophiel works on the golden ray, drawing wisdom from Source. Ask him to illuminate you and help you to connect with your own deep knowing.

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox


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