Good advice isn’t always easy to come by. Yet there’s a bit of wisdom Diane relies on every time she goes shopping: “If it would look good in a children’s size 6X or a woman’s size 16, it’s probably not the right style for me.” She credits her aunt, Mary Kelly, now departed, for giving her the wisdom to build a wardrobe appropriate for her body type and age.

Aunt Mary was also savvy in the relationship department. Her advice was to read the paper before going out on a date and have a couple of interesting news items to discuss to keep the conversation flowing. Even though “dating” looks a little different today than in Mary’s day, and Diane would be more likely to read the news on her iPhone, the fundamentals remain.

How we converse is extremely important in social relationships. You can be true to yourself and still plan ahead when it comes to being engaging. Everyone enjoys smart and meaningful conversation.

Paul Raushenbush is the senior editor of the Huffington Post religion section. It’s his job to be conversational about spirituality. He’ll tell you that the most shared posts are more “religion-y” than you would expect. He took his “show on the road” and did interviews with people on the street where he asked the question: “What do you think about prayer?” And they told him. People love to talk about prayer, even if they don’t believe in it.

We learn from Paul, and Aunt Mary, that there’s a hunger for substance in conversation. We’re all looking for ah-ha moments in our everyday lives. Be the giver of stimulating and thought-provoking topics the next time someone says, “What’s new?” Share something worldly, share something personal, and share something spiritual.


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