This is post 226 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

People seem to think you have to work for good—earn it. That it didn’t just come unless you work for it. When I was a DoorMat I thought I had to deserve it. Of course I didn’t think I deserved it so I didn’t get much good. But you don’t have to be a DoorMat to not think you deserve or have earned lots and lots of good. The misconception about what’s needed to attract the goodies you want is rampant.

Truth: Good is yours for the taking—there right in front of you. It’s up to YOU to ask for it with expectation.

That sounds simple but if it were, everyone would get everything they want. It’s not. Old messages from childhood and life in general can dampen your faith. If you’ve experienced a lot of criticism, you may feel, at least deep down, subconsciously, that you aren’t worthy of what you want. If you hate yourself, it’s hard to attract someone who loves you. Insecurity can block your mental efforts for attracting a good new job.

You have to believe you DESERVE the good you say you want.

It’s easy to want good things and to say the words. “I want more money!” “My health must improve!” “I have to meet a good romantic partner!” Even the worst DoorMats yearn for lots of things. And if just wanting something badly was enough to manifest, we’d be so much happier. But as I said, it’s not so simple. On the other hand, it can be simple.

When you work on loving yourself enough to feel deserving like I have, manifesting becomes a process you can easily do with some consciousness.

Remember, your thoughts attract your reality. If your dominant ones are negative, the vibration you put out is negative, no matter how much you want something. Not loving yourself makes you feel undeserving. Doubts are created by not feeling deserving. Fear comes when you’re worried that you aren’t good enough to get what you want. Thoughts that indicate you don’t deserve what you want obstruct your ability to attract it. They may be subconscious but they’re there if it’s what you feel. For example:

•    “I want loving friends and a partner but why would anyone love me?” If you don’t love yourself, it’s hard to feel deserving of receiving love. You may say you want love but the best way to attract a healthy person is to be loving to you first. The more you love yourself, the more you’ll feeling deserving of love from others.

•    “How can I get the job I want since there are probably people applying who are better than me.” If you don’t feel you deserve the job because you have good assets, the person hiring won’t either. Think about exactly where you feel lacking and get better! Take a class or hire someone to coach or teach you what you need. When you feel more confident about your ability to do a job, and believe you deserve it others will too!

•    “I want to write a book but what if I’m not good enough?” If you don’t feel your writing deserves to get published, chances are it won’t. To build confidence, get input from an expert. Take a writing workshop to improve your skills. Consult with a book doctor about what you’ve written to get constructive feedback. Once you’ve polished your writing skills, write down why the book deserves to get a publishing deal.

Affirming that you DESERVE what you say you want helps you manifest it. The more excited you get as you say it, the more the Universe picks up the good vibrations. And, the more you’ll believe that you do deserve to get what you want! A turning point for me when I lived in DoorMatville was recognizing that I did deserve to get my needs met and to attract good in my life. The more I knew that in my heart, the more I was determined to leave. Slowly, I began my journey out. Since then I’ve taken what I deserve to a whole other planet!

Until you accept that you deserve to be happy and to have your desires met, you’ll make empty wishes.

We ALL deserve to be happy. Being overweight or not earning enough money or not feeling as smart as you’d like or making mistakes or a gazillion other flaws you may see in yourself should NOT detract from your worthiness to receive. If you live as a good human being, that’s enough! Don’t postpone manifesting a happy life till you feel perfect enough to deserve it. Good is always there, waiting for you to let it in to your life. Receiving it is always an option if you choose to make it so.

Good is always in the pipeline for you to manifest! When you accept that you DESERVE to have your desires met NOW, and strongly put it out, the Law of Attraction will respond with your desires being met. Know that lots of good is waiting for you and you deserve it. Then you’ll enjoy the good of a deserving mindset.

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series HERE.

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