This is post 228 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

Often we’re so fixated on the future that we don’t think enough about the blessings we have now. And people tend to think in terms of what they don’t want any more–the negatives in their lives. But to use the Law of Attraction effectively, it’s critical to look for what you can appreciate now in your life. It makes sense. Good vibes attract good stuff. Negative vibes attract negative stuff. So the more good vibes you put out, the better your chance of manifesting what you want.

It’s easy to ignore the blessings you have now if you’re focused on what you want. That leads to the “don’t want” thoughts.

•    “I don’t want to live hand to mouth anymore.” When you make this kind of statement, the Universe hears living hand to mouth and brings you more of that.
•    “I hate my job!” The strong emotion in this will attract more things for you to hate and keep you in your current job.
•    “I’m tired of being fat!” Guess what this will help you to have more of?
•    “I’m so lonely being single. I’m dying for someone to complete me.” You’re saying that you’re desperate for a partner and your emotion will be negative.

Since you want to create a positive vibration, these kinds of thoughts keep you from having one. Saying them makes you feel bad. If you want to get out of those situations, look around and find things in your life that you appreciate now. You may not have much money but can consciously appreciate that you have your health. You many not like your job but can consciously appreciate that you’ve learned more there and it’s paying your bills right now. You may want romance but can consciously appreciate your good friends. We all have things to appreciate when we look!

When you focus on what you appreciate in your life, your vibration goes up. As you count your blessings, think about what you want to manifest in positive terms.

•    “I intend to find a more lucrative path to earning a lot more money.”
•    “I intend to find a new job that satisfies me.”
•    “I intend to get my body into healthier shape.”
•    “I intend to attract a healthy partner.

Find your blessings and appreciate them instead of dwelling on what you don’t have. It’s the best way to get the Law of Attraction in your corner for attracting what you want.

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series HERE.

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