This is post 212 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

Yesterday I wrote about why happiness is so important to develop from the inside out in Stoke Your Happiness Mojo! Now I want to talk about it from an energy perspective. As I’ve said many times, one of the biggest catalysts for helping the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires is joy—feeling great—which brings your vibration up to a level where you receive. And what bigger way to keep that vibe up than to be happy??

The Universe can distinguish between a vibe from real happiness and one that is momentarily based on a purchase or incident. The vibe must be sustained to get what you want. Those moments of getting something you wanted may put you into a high frequency of joy but it doesn’t keep your vibration high for long. You need one based on very consistent positive emotions to bring you the goodies you want. But while you may feel excited and good from a purchase or from having fun, if you’re not content inside, it lowers quickly once the rush is over.

Happiness isn’t an instant emotional reaction from acquiring something you wanted or a good experience. It’s a feeling that lasts. And it affects your thoughts. Often the other kind of happy may feel great about the new stuff or going on a trip or whatever else makes you happy when you have it, but you may have other thoughts going on too—negative ones that you’re buying or doing to soothe or placate. When you’re really happy, your vibration reflects it. Yes, you may have some lows when things don’t go your way. I do. But you’ll still stay more positive than someone who isn’t content inside.

Dale Carnegie said, “Remember, happiness doesn’t depend on who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.”

If you think you’re happy, you’re happy. If you think you need more of this or that to be happy, you’re not happy. Happiness isn’t dependent on what you have or your circumstances. It’s a consistent emotional sense of contentment with life in general. Stuff you buy or money you make serve as Band-Aids to cover the wound of not being happy. Since I developed strong self-love, happiness just evolved from that. When you’re content with who you are, the Universe feels the vibration and you attract the kind of happiness you can’t buy. And that helps you attract your desires.

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series HERE.

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