Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for * LOA logo2.jpgThis is post 124 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to attract all that you need. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

There are many techniques for increasing how much the Law of Attraction can work for you. In my opinion, the most satisfying way is to focus on enjoying your life. I’ve talked about the importance of sending out a positive vibration by focusing on getting yourself excited about getting what you want. That definitely works well. But the most organic way to attract good stuff is to enjoy your life, so you keep a good vibration radiating from you, like I do.

When you make yourself happy and enjoy your life, regular positive energy goes from you into the Universe to attract more positives.

When I was a DoorMat, I didn’t smile much. Relief was probably the most positive emotion that came from me–when I pleased enough to make others happy and felt liked for the moment. Since I ignored my own needs, happy wasn’t part of my M.O. Nor did I actually enjoy life. I felt more like I passed time, trying to get from day to day without alienating someone or being alone. So I didn’t attract much good stuff.

It’s hard to enjoy life when your focus is on pleasing others and you don’t try to satisfy your own desires.

Leaving DoorMatville changed that dynamic for good! The more I nurtured myself, the happier I was. Fulfilling my own desires made me joyous every day. And VERY grateful. I became single and started living for me. As the reality of living a life that made me happy sunk in, I realized that my smile was a constant in my life. I woke up smiling every day, and still do. I also feel grateful for my life every day! Living as a whole person is such sheer joy that I know I’ll never take my life for granted.

The more happiness that radiates out from you on a regular basis, the stronger the positive emotional vibe you blast to the Universe. The Law of Attraction can’t help but reflect it!

Feeling good attracts more good. Feeling bad attracts more bad. It seems logical that people would want to attract good, yet so many people still let negative emotions dominate their lives. Being happy is definitely a better way to live. Showing yourself love is the fastest way to achieve that. The kinder you are to you, the better you feel and the stronger your natural, organic positive vibration. An organic vibration isn’t forced since it occurs naturally from enjoying your life.

Throughout the Getting into the Vortex meditation CD, it’s emphasized that the fastest way to manifesting is to appreciate and enjoy what you already have. Look for things to be happy about. When it’s snowing, I’m happy to be warm and dry. When I have a cold, I’m happy to enjoy my cup of tea. The more joy you find, the more you’ll have and the stronger your manifesting chops will be!

Each time you do something that brings some pleasure into your life you, send out a vibration that attracts more, without having to consciously create the emotion for manifesting.

Yes, when you want something specific you need to focus on it. But a general, overall feeling of pleasure is a great catalyst for attracting all sorts of things that will make you happy. Pleasure attracts pleasure. Joy attracts joy. As you do more to enjoy your life, organic manifesting will happen more to bring people and situations into your life that are positive. Since I’ve lived on a path to enjoy my life every day as much as I can, I attract all sorts of joyous surprises that I wouldn’t even think to manifest but that I love.

People come to me who enrich my life. Media opportunities to promote my writing are there without asking or trying to get them. They just come! One thing that brings me so much joy is trusting that I’ll attract everything I need. Having faith is the most natural tranquilizer there is. I don’t get stressed much. This is such a big blessing since I used to have a lot of stress before developing strong faith. Now stress is replaced by the joy of getting everything I need, and a lot more.

It is so much easier to manifest when you’re in a positive mindset than from a negative one. When you’re enjoying life, you already have strong positive emotions, which can fuel manifesting. It’s so much harder to try to generate the positive emotions needed for a manifesting vibration when you’re in a negative place. That’s a really great reason for you to start enjoying life more!

What sounds better to you–stress and a negative mindset or enjoying your life every day?

If you’re reading this, I assume you’d choose the latter. If so, start RIGHT now to bring more pleasure into your life. Increase your Me-Time. Find reasons to laugh more. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS EVERY DAY TO APPRECIATE WHAT YOU DO HAVE ALREADY. As you enjoy your life more, your natural vibration will attract more positives into your life. The more you get, the more positive you’ll feel. When you can get into this cycle, the kind of pleasure I feel about living every day can be yours too!

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series here.

Take the self-love challenge and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at And you can post your loving acts HERE to reinforce your intention to love yourself. Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE

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