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This is post 112 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to attract all that you need. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

Writing down your intentions makes them more concrete. Doing writing exercises helps you think more clearly about what you want and can help keep you posted. Therefore, as part of this series, I include writing exercises you can use to help the Law of Attraction work with you to manifest the goodies you want. My Writing Exercise #1 was to write down a list of your desires and read it out loud each night.

Today I want to explain how writing can help you manifest a very specific desire.

Think of what desire is important to you right now. Write it down at the top of the page under the heading, “I Intend to Manifest:” Then write down how you’ll feel when you get it and what it will be like. For example, if you want a new job, detail what it will feel like.

•    How much money will you make?
•    What kind of tasks will you be doing?
•    Describe the people you’ll work or interact with
•    How will doing this job make you feel?
•    What will your workplace look like?
•    Any other details you can think of about the job you want

If you want to manifest a romantic partner, write down details about the person you want to attract:

•    How does he or she look?
•    How does he or she treat you?
•    What are special aspects of being with this person?
•    How will you feel being with this person?
•    How will your life be better?
•    List all the qualities you’d like in this person.

The more details you write down, the better.

Add to it as you think of more. You might not manifest it for a while, even for years. But the more you focus on what you wrote down, read it aloud and get excited about it, the more positive energy you put out to the Universe for the Law of Attraction to pick up on. Then, when you’re ready to receive it, what you wrote down can become real.

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series here.

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