What's your family genetic history? We all have good genes, and not-so-good genes. It's best to be informed and aware, so that you can make choices to have the best, longest life possible. Knowing your genetic tendencies allows you to choose behaviors and take action to prevent problems in later life. Understanding your family health history can spare you from the problems your ancestors had to endure. Were your parents overweight? Were family members prone to addictive behaviors? To certain diseases? Was heart disease the big family killer, or was cancer or diabetes? What about your grandparents on both sides? Great grandparents? Were they overweight? Did they have circulatory problems, strokes, etc.? If you have ancestors that had specific diseases, you can work with your doctor to help prevent you from getting them. It’s also important not to have unrealistic expectations: If you come from a line of big people, it may be against your genes to be tiny. Be the best you can be, for yourself, according to your ancestry. If heart disease is in your family, shed some pounds and don't smoke. If cancer is prevalent, eat more vegetables, especially leafy greens and red, yellow, and orange ones. And don't smoke.

- Norris Chumley

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