When I see trees and grass and birds and the sky and living things -- I get that exciting feeling that I am One with all of Nature. When I breathe fresh air in and out, and drink in the sky's pure sunlight with my eyes, I feel the connection and the loving power of God. When I eat, it's a spiritual activity. It used to be entertainment and emotional salve. Now I know that I'm taking in life energy, and that it's giving me the same in return. Food is precious, and I take it very seriously. Now, every time I eat I thank God for the physical and spiritual nourishment I am about to receive. As a Christian, food has become a symbol of Holy Communion with God for me. My Jewish friends have invited me to spiritual feasts, such as Passover, symbolizing God’s presence and Love. I went to a Hindu temple and ate some food called Prasada, holy food offered to Hindu deities and then shared among worshippers as a form of grace. I also have taken courses in Buddhist practice, and shared a spiritual meal, using only one bowl.

- Norris Chumley

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