There’s no reason in the world not to get close to people. Having a friend means seeing God in someone else, helping each other, sharing and communicating, living and learning. Holding a friendship means letting your real self show, and letting trust and safety unite you. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes and saying something foolish, or embarrassing yourself. Everyone makes mistakes--that’s how we learn--by trying, experimenting, risking. We’re all fools at some time or another. Your friends will know this, and see that they’re not the only ones who make mistakes. And when you forgive a friend, you are letting the power of God shine through you. Don't worry about being hurt. It’s much better to be loved--even with some bumps and bruises along the way--than to be alone in life. Concern yourself with someone else: Tell them your dreams, problems, challenges, and be interested in theirs. You’ll be all the richer for the experience. And so will they.

- Norris Chumley

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