I thought that we are supposed to eat when we are hungry and stop when full. Is it is OK to go all day long without eating? What if you don't get a hunger pang all day? Everyone is different; each of us has our unique needs and individual preferences. I think it is wonderful that you have the great ability to only eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Many, many of us would love to have that power! If only we knew when we were hungry! If only we could control ourselves enough to stop! That would indeed be divine, to possess knowledge and power. It is reassuring to me to hear from someone who says they are not constantly hungry. You’re not the first, however. A few clients of mine in workshops have told me they just aren’t hungry in the day, but eat one big meal in the evening and that’s it. Yet, those are people who have weight problems, and have come to one of my Joyful Weight Loss workshops. So something is not right, and a change needs to be made. I would need to know a whole lot more about you and your activities--what, when, and how much you eat, to give you definite answers. But it’s no accident the majority of experts in healthy living and weight management recommend eating small portions multiple times a day as the best way to keep your body in top working condition and to avoid overeating. Let me make a few more educated guesses about your situation. I’ll come right out and assume that since you’re writing me, you are overweight, and probably eat too much when you do eat that one meal, in relation to the energy (calories) you utilize. I also suspect you may not be doing much physically during the day (or in the evening, either), which is one reason you don’t need much fuel. Here’s a thought to consider: why not have a good breakfast and then enjoy some vigorous physical fun during mid-morning or early afternoon? Take a "dance for health" class or play tennis or get into a yoga workshop. Try this two or three times a week to start. Burn some fat, and get connected with others. Make yourself a little hungry during the day and feed your body, soul, and spirit. Of course, use the Joy of Weight Loss eating plan to be sure you’re getting good nutrition in good quantity, and not overeating when you do eat. By all means, though, stop when you’re full, and eat when you’re hungry. Those are marvelous blessings; no need to abandon them! Now, though, it might help to be a little more active and get a little hungrier during the day.

- Norris Chumley

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