Every morning, just after your shower or bath, when you're awake and warmed-up, take five minutes to stretch out. Start with your arms – lift them high, and take a deep breath. Then roll your head from side-to-side, and up-and-down, stretching your neck and shoulders. Now bend over, stretching your arms, back, and hamstring leg muscles. Stretch your legs by putting one leg in front of you, and then in back, and then the same on the other leg. Lift your arms up again, and take three deep, cleansing breaths. Scrunch your pelvis up and down, and stretch your middle. Suck your stomach in, then let it out with a big sigh. Arch your back, then arch your torso forward five times. Now reach up to the sky with your fingertips, and stand on your tippy-toes. Release. Breathe deeply in and out. Do it five more times.

- Norris Chumley

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