Do you feel out-of-control? Are you unable to resist a food that will throw you "off" of your food plan? Here's what to do: 1) Get away from the food. Don't think about it, LEAVE the area IMMEDIATELY. 2) Go to the bathroom and splash water on your face, drink a big glass of water, and brush your teeth (a different stimulation for the brain to enjoy). 3) Stall. (Food compulsions usually subside in 5-10 minutes.) Call a friend, pick up a book or magazine or turn on a radio or TV. Better yet, go for a short walk. 4) Close your eyes and pray for release from this tyranny. 5) Talk about your feelings and actions; put them into words, even if only to yourself. You may also write them down for future reference. 6) Most of all, remind yourself of your commitments to becoming thinner, healthier, and happier. Remember that you love yourself so much yo'’re not going to give in to those old self-destructive patterns.

- Norris Chumley

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