Any time of year is great for low-fat cooking on the barbecue grill. It's the best way to cook meat, poultry, fish, and even vegetables and fruits. All the fats drip off! Here are some tips: try grilling with wood (mesquite, hickory, apple wood, etc.), instead of charcoal briquettes, for some really delicious smoked treats. Avoid any briquettes or barbeques that have been saturated with lighter fluid (because you'll end up eating petroleum by-products from the smoke). You can use an electric starter or a fire starter chimneys (about $9 at discount stores) to light the fire without any trouble at all. Wood will give you tastier and healthier foods. Put your hot coals on one side of the grill. You'll control the cooking process better if you create an area that's cooler so you can move the food on and off the hot fire. Try grilling vegetables (tomatoes, squash, peppers, onion, eggplant, celery, etc.) or fruit (apples, oranges, melon slices, cherries, peaches) on wooden skewers. These kebobs will not only be tasty but will also take just few minutes to be ready. There are indoor grills that are great, too. You can get them with special grooves that allow the fat to flow away, or even rotisseries that rotate the food and cook it evenly on all sides.

- Norris Chumley

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