A lot of people feel like they're in a tired stupor between 4 and 5 p.m. every day. Many make the mistake of eating candy or fatty stuff to get an energy boost. The secret is that many times that slump comes because we're really thirsty! Drink a big glass of water, and see what happens. Other possible causes of afternoon energy slumps could be a general lack of exercise. Make sure to enjoy daily physical activities. Go move your body for 10 minutes. Get some fresh air. Try walking up a few flights of stairs or around the block. Dance to a couple of tunes. Bounce a ball around. Your blood sugar could also be a little low. When is the last time you ate something? More than two hours ago? Have a small fruit or cracker snack, and a big glass of water. Get some food, water, and air into your blood stream. Or, maybe you’re not getting enough sleep every night. Perhaps a nap is in store for you. Most of us need to consistently get 7+ hours of sleep.

- Norris Chumley

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