
I’m a big believer in removing labels. I was leading an outreach program in my last synagogue, . We developed a survey for our members describing the beliefs of . Without a title above the descriptions, the participants overwhelmingly chose a different set of beliefs than those of their spiritual home. That’s not a surprise. People typically choose a house of worship based on other factors than theology.

What religion would you be if there were no labels? There’s a great website called . It has loads of information about different religions. One feature is . It’s a twenty question quiz that matches your beliefs with the closest religion. It’s a lot of fun to take, and for me it was pretty darn accurate. I was over 90% Reform Jewish in my beliefs. My friend Katherine, loved it. She’s a seeker with a Christian mom and Jewish dad. It helped her to form ideas for affiliation.

I’m proud to be a Jew, and for me it’s more than a label. When I’m in the with women of different religions; our individual faith identities strengthen the bond we feel.  Praying together, learning about the different practices and talking to each other about interfaith spirituality brings us closer together— just as God intended.

As always, my to-do list
is far too long
with groceries to buy,
the house to clean,
and yard work to do.
Please help me keep
these tasks in perspective.
I'm in danger of reducing my life
to a daily check list.
Help me draw on your serenity,
so that I can remember
that we gather together
for more than food,
that no one is checking
to see if the house has been dusted.
With these things in mind,
I can focus on You,
and through You,
on those with whom
I share this special day.



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