1. The worst drought in the 20th century killed 250,000 to 5 million people. How many now face death from drought in South Africa?

Answer: 13 million
In the southern African countries of Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho, and Zambia, about 13 million people currently face starvation.

2. Average life expectancy in developing countries, age 64 (in 1999), equaled life expectancy for people in the U.S. in what year?

Answer: 1941.
The World Bank reported that life expectancy in developing countries was 64 in 1999, up from 55 years in 1970. Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have the lowest life expectancy-age 47 in 1999. That is only a 3-year increase from 1970, when life expectancy in sub-Saharan Africa was 44. The National Center for Health Statistics reports that life expectancy in U.S. in 2000 was 76.9 years.

3. About how many people die each day from hunger or hunger-related causes throughout the world?

Answer: About 24,000.
Check out these links to selected hunger and relief organizations.

4. What is the official poverty line for a family of 4 (with two children) in the United States in 2001?

Answer: $17,960
Read more about how the U.S. Census bureau determines poverty thresholds. 5. According to the 2000 census, which U.S. state has the highest percentage of people living in poverty?

Answer: Missisippi
According to the 2000 U.S. Census, 19.9% of people in Mississippi are living in poverty.

6. Which U.S. state has the lowest percentage of people in poverty?

Answer: New Hampshire
According to the 2000 U.S. Census, 6.5% of New Hampshire residents are living in poverty. 7. Which area of the world is home to the most hungry people?

Answer: Indian subcontinent
According to "Hunger in Global Economy," the Indian subcontinent is home to almost half of the world's hungry people. About 40% of the world's hungry life in Africa and the rest of Asia. 8. Which of these countries has the highest child poverty rate? Answer: United States
9. 1,700,000 is the number of:

Answer: Both the number of residents in Nebraska and the number of AIDS orphans in Uganda.
Uganda has the highest number of AIDS orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nigeria and Ethiopia follow, with 1.4 million and 1.2 million AIDS orphans, respectively, according to the KIDS COUNT International Data Sheet.

10. The percentage of U.S. poor in female headed households was 24% in 1959. In 1999 it was:

Answer: 57%
11. Most American kids watch about 28 hours of TV a week. By contrast, how many children in developing countries work full-time?

Answer: 120 million
According to Human Rights Watch, the International Labor Organization estimates that 250 million children between 5 and 14 work in developing countries; about 120 million of those work on a full-time basis. 12. Throughout the world, women are more likely to be illiterate than men. Which region has the highest female literacy rate?


13. The richest fifth of the world population consume 45% of all meat and fish. The poorest fifth consume:

14. Nearly 13 percent of children in the U.S. are overweight. By contrast, what percent of children in the developing world are underweight? 15. Proposed federal spending for nuclear weapons in 2003 is $16.5 billion. That amount could provide health care for how many kids?

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