
Mom and Daughter Having FunThis is for the woman sitting on the park bench as her kids swing. This is for the moms pushing the cart in the grocery store and to the woman sitting at her desk typing, as she mentally checks off her to-do list. You’re amazing!

While it’s a rarity that you get time to yourself or do one thing at a time. And on most days, you may feel like you don’t have anything together except the fact that you’re un-together. It’s okay because somehow, beyond the chaotic schedule, dinner, play dates, doctor appointments, family functions, birthdays, anniversaries and career – you make it work.

Take a moment each day and breathe because you are braver than you give yourself credit for. The ones that receive all of your attention and effort, each day, may not be able to fully voice their appreciation for your efforts now, but your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Your motherly sacrifices are seen as your child smiles back at you, as they learn how to ride their bicycle, as they help their sibling or when the utter those three words that melt your heart.

So next time you doubt yourself or question your ability, know that you are amazing. You have cultivated love for your family that will forever be reproduced and held sacred. Next time you feel yourself drowning from exhaustion, know that you are powerful.

As your child eats your meal made from love or cuddle with their mended blanket, they’ll think of you and the effort that you put into making their life special. Next time you feel overwhelmed, remember that you are strong – stronger than you give yourself credit for. It’s okay, that you don’t always have all of the answers and its okay to admit you need help. Your strength is seen by your family and respected.

There is no right or wrong way to make everything come together. You’re doing a great job and as you rock your babies to sleep, remember that you’re amazing. You’re powerful. You’re strong. You can do anything! Know that your love has no limits and you’re capable of making the impossible happen. Remember that you’re a mom. You can heal the sick, foster away the sad moments, feed the hungry and love unconditionally. Your imperfection is your perfection and that makes you amazing!

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