A Shiksa Makes a Bar Mitzvah
The non-Jewish mother of a bar mitzvah boy takes the reins.
January 2000

A New Age sweet sixteen.
January 2000
Zachary Karabell

Diary: Speaking in Tongues
Frozen yogurt, Sunday worship, and a first kiss.
January 2000

Daughter of a Preacher Man
What happens when a PK gets confirmed.
January 2000
Sarah Hinlicky

Boom Boxes and Ribbons
How One Enterprising Group of Women Invented a New Ritual for Teenage Girls
January 2000
Sarah Reid

Confirmation Conundrums
A 15-year-old struggles with faith and doubt.
December 20, 1999

A Gem of an Idea
Jewelry for a girl's coming of age.
December 20, 1999
Virginia Beane Rutter

To This Day, It Remains a Big Day
First Communion is about more than frilly white dresses.
December 20, 1999
Therese Borchard

Confused About the Meaning of Confirmation?
So were the church fathers. Here's a slice of their debate.
December 20, 1999
Church Fathers

Defining Moment
A bat mitzvah shapes a girl into the woman she'll become.
December 20, 1999
Tova Mirvis
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