
The light beaming from the glorious sun’s rays peek through your blinds. You can feel the light warming your face and you immediately rise with a smile on your face and an invigorating drive to for the day. You jump out of your bed ready to rise and greet the day. And then…you wake up because that’s not at all how any normal day begins, right? Everyone has a morning routine. Some are a little more labor intensive while others are less involved. Either way, each morning should start with two things – prayer and coffee.

After you’ve had your morning jolt of heaven in a cup, it’s important to begin each day with a conversation with your Lord and Savior. Instead of hitting the snooze button or choosing to prolong your morning routine, strive to be an early riser and spend some intimate time with God. Keep in mind, Jesus never hits the snooze button, so why should you?

If you’re any early riser and need simple morning prayers to start your day, keep reading and get inspired. These prayers can be recited when you’re eating breakfast, as you get your children ready for school or perhaps as you drive your daily commute to work.

Prayer of Thanks:

Thank you for this beautiful new day,

Help me live today, hand in hand with you.

Short, sweet and to the point. Each day that you’re able to wake up and embark on the endeavors of a new day is a great day. It doesn’t necessarily have to be sunny weather in order for things to have beauty – sometimes just the ability to have opportunities and live is beautiful enough. Each day, ask God, to stand by your side. It’s important that He hears your voice and that you be rejuvenated by His.

Prayer For a Good Day:

Lord, I trust in your unfailing love, in your promises.

I give this day and all that it holds to you.

May I walk in your goodness, knowing your gentle hand will guide me, and keep me.

Each day is up to the individual. Yes, there’s no doubt that hurdles and other catastrophic obstacles will come into play from time-to-time, but it’s important to realize that only you have the power to exude a positive mind frame. If you continue to bask in negativity, then you’ll find that the rest of your life is filled with those negative connotations. Allow the Lord to embody your simple morning prayer and ask Him to give you strength and guidance when you need it. The power of Jesus can get you through anything.

Pray For the Early Morning:

I come before you O Lord

As the sun rises may your hope rise up in me.

As the birds sing may your love flow out of me.

As the light floods into this new day,

May your joy shine through me.

I come before you, O Lord

And drink in this moment of peace,

That I may carry something of your hope, love and joy

Today in my heart.


Even though you’re only one person, with an invigorated spirit you can accomplish great things. You have the power to achieve greatness. Therefore, each day ask your Lord and Savior to replenish your desire to forge forward and to provide you with the strength to be successful. Listen when God speaks to you and do your best to carry out his wishes. Follow the path that He’s laying before you and look for ways you can continue to hold Him high.

Prayer For the Tiresome Days:

Father, clear my sleepy head and fill my mind with expectation

Awake my slow body and energize my heart with love in action.

Ignite my spirit and set this day on fire with promise.

Make the ordinary extraordinary.

Engage me, show me your kingdom alive

Help me to see that every waking moment is full of promise because of you.


Let’s face it, every day does not begin with sunshine and rainbows – figuratively or physically speaking. There will be days when you’re just tired and you need inspiration to get up and continue on. On these days, turn to this simple morning prayer and ask God to make the ordinary extraordinary. Ask Jesus to help you see the bigger picture and to get a better understanding of what He wants you to achieve. It’s important to look beyond the horizon without losing track of what’s important. Don’t be afraid to ask God for guidance and strength during this tiresome day – allow Him to assist you in being the best version of yourself that you are capable of being.

Psalm 5:3

“My voice will come to you in the morning, O Lord, in the morning I will send my prayer to you, and keep watch.”

This is a beautiful scripture that references the intimacy of the Lord and His children. We all want nothing more than to be under the guidance and supervision of Jesus Christ. Each day we pray to Him for the strength and hope to honor His name by achieving great things. And because we want to be safe, we ask that He look over us and our loved ones.

A Quote by Thomas Blake

“Every morning lean your arms awhile upon the windowsill of heaven and gaze upon the Lord. Then with the vision in your heart, turn strong to meet your day.”

Before you begin each day, look for inspiration by turning your heart to Jesus and the heavens above. Allow God’s vision to enrich your heart and soul. Allow Him to speak to you through His grace and allow these words to fill your mind, body and soul with enriched goals and visions of a bright and beautiful future.

Simple morning prayers are short in length, but large in meaning. These prayers should provide each day with the enrichment you’ll need to begin each day. Furthermore, communicating with Jesus each morning helps to set the overall tone of your daily routine and the goals you aspire to achieve. Instead of hitting the snooze button and getting five or ten extra minutes of sleep, sit up, and spend a few extra minutes with Jesus Christ through prayer.

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