
God tells Noah to build a ship-sized boat ... in his back yard? The world had become so corrupt that God decided to obliterate mankind and start over again. However, He noticed there was a godly family that still honored Him. So, eight people were allowed


Jesus told a disabled man "Here's mud in your eye"?! One day, Jesus encountered a blind man. Instead of proclaiming him healed, our Savior spat on the ground, made some clay and applied it to the man’s eyes. Then He told him: “Go wash at the Pool of Siloa


God tells a haughty general ... to go take a BATH? Naaman was the general of one of Israel’s major enemies, the Syrian Empire. He was dying of leprosy, but his captive Hebrew slave told him there was a man of God, the prophet Elisha, who could heal him. S


God tells His holy prophet Isaiah to spend three years preaching ... in the BUFF? In Isaiah 20:2-3, God told the Prophet Isaiah “Go and loose the sackcloth from off thy loins, and put off thy shoe from thy foot. And he did so.” And the Lord said, “My serv


God tells His holy prophet Hosea to marry a ... STREET HOOKER? The life of an Old Testament prophet was not necessarily simple nor pleasant. They had to be humble and obedient. For example, God gave Hosea tough orders: “Go marry a prostitute. And by the w


God tells a man to kill his ... SON as a holy sacrifice? One day, this boy’s dad told him they were going to take a road trip. They would hike to a holy mountain, climb it and there make a burnt sacrifice to the Lord. But as they climbed, the boy was perp


God tells a conquering army to play ... MUSIC? ... to their enemies? When the freed slaves that Moses led out of Egypt reached the Promised Land, they found it was inhabited by wicked and violent people that God ordered to be completely obliterated. The C


God tells His people to attack the enemy’s army ... without weapons? They were under attack by an impossibly vast army. So, God raised up a godly leader, Gideon, who called on all the cities to send fighters. But when they got there, God told Gideon to se


God tells His besieged people to send the ... CHOIR out to face the enemy? 2 Chronicles 20 tells us that Israel’s enemies, Moab and Ammon became allies to attack God’s people. King Jehoshaphat was horrified and fell to his knees, pleading to the Lord “For


God tells Moses to go ... BAREFOOT? Raised as a prince of Egypt, Moses, who was actually the son of Hebrew slaves, was supposed to lead his people to freedom. Instead, he fled into the desert and hid out after killing an Egyptian project manager. There, h

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