Pastry Wiz

Despite the name, this site features salads, main dishes, and side dishes--including latkes--in addition to pastries and other desserts.

Hanukkah on the Net

Holidays.net features only one latke recipe, but also offers many traditional Jewish dishes and Hanukkah-oriented desserts, including jelly donuts.

Mimi's Cyber Kitchen

List of traditional Jewish recipes.

Hanukkah Recipes from the Holiday Spot

Recipes for a traditional Hanukkah meal.


Modern and exotic twists on Hanukkah fare from Epicurious.com

Diana's Desserts

Provides an extensive list of recipes for tasty Hanukkah treats.

Chabad.org's Chanukah

Chabad.org includes an array of traditional recipes, including multiple variations on the latke.

Vegan Hanukkah

Provides a Vegan spin on the tradtional Hanukkah meal.

The Food Network

The Food network takes you on a tour of Hanukah's fried offerings, complete with a how to video on making blintzes and a feature on the wonders of doughnuts.

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