Avinu Malkenu--"Our Father, Our King"--is among the most moving and well-known prayers of the Jewish High Holidays. Sung several times throughout Yom Kippur, this plea for compassion from a merciful God toward an undeserving people sums up the theme of the Day of Atonement, while its haunting melody sets the tone for this solemn day.

Listen to Avinu Malkenu, as performed by David and the High Spirit.

Requires RealPlayer G2 or higher. (Download it.) Audio used by permission of Worldwide Success Records.

Lyrics translated:
Our Father, our King,
Be gracious unto us and answer us
For we are unworthy.
Deal with us in charity and loving-kindness
And save us.

Lyrics tranlisterated:
Avinu malkeinu khaneinu va'aneynu sh'ayn banu ma'asim.
Ase imanu tzedakah va'khesed v'hoshe'eynu.

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