CHICAGO, Sept 12, 2001 (IslamOnline)--Muslim scholars in North America unanimously condemned the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon and expressed their deep sorrow and sympathy for those Americans who were killed and injured.

The Detroit-based Shari'a Scholars Association of North America (SSANA) strongly condemned the attack and said that there is no cause that justifies "this type of an immoral and inhumane act that has affected so many innocent American lives."

Insisting that Islam condemns such despicable attacks, the Association in a statement said, "Certainly, there is no justification for these acts from either an Islamic perspective or, in truth, from the perspective of any other moral and freedom-loving people. These acts diminish the freedom of all Americans, including American Muslims. Our condolences go out to all of the victims of these inhumane acts."

Additionally, the statement added that, "SSANA supports all efforts to investigate and immediately capture the evil persons responsible for these immoral can cowardly acts."

Sheikh Muhammad Hanooti, member of the Fiqh Council of North America and resident scholar at IslamOnline, told Islamonline that Muslims all over the world condemn this heinous act in the strongest of expressions and feelings. He said, "Islam tells us murdering one person is equal to murdering all humanity. We feel that great many innocent lives have been lost in this barbaric attack."

He added, "We pray to God to enable the people of United States of America to have peace, stability, security and prosperity."

Muzammil Siddiqui, director of Islamic Society of Orange County (ISOC) and former president of Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) could not be reached for comment but a statement released by the ISOC, which mentions him as the contact person, said that in each of its prayers yesterday the Society offered a special prayer and supplication for the victims of the tragedy in both New York and Washington DC.

"We encourage Muslim medical professionals and Muslim relief agencies to assist in whatever possible way with humanitarian and relief efforts both locally and nationally. Moreover, we urge people of diverse religious traditions, faith groups and spiritual expressions, including Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and members of other communities, to share their grief and sorrow together as one family, the human family," the statement read.

"We pray to God Almighty to provide safety and security to those working to alleviate the suffering and pain of the victims and their families of this tragic violence. We pray to God Almighty to instill patience and tranquility to all those involved in the process. Lastly, we pray to God Almighty to continue to bless and protect this land and all of its inhabitants," the statement added.

M. Amir Ali, Director of the Chicago-based Institute of Islamic Information and Education said, "Our condemnation of this terrorist act is unconditional and unequivocal and we support an impartial investigation for bringing perpetrators to full justice.

I would like to add that there should be no retaliation against any party or a country without proof, but based on suspicion and prejudice."

"The Muslim leaders of Chicago discussed an action plan to help the victims and survivors of the terrorist attack by sending a team of doctors to New York, donating blood for the victims and sending money to help the needy. Committees were established to implement the resolutions immediately," he said.

Leading Islamic scholar Sheikh Taha Jaber Alwani, president of the School of Islamic and Social Sciences in Leesburg, Virginia, told AP news, "Muslims in this country would think this is unacceptable. I can't accept anything against any American citizen. I'm Muslim. I'm also American. I love America."

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