
Major American Islamic Groups
"American Muslims utterly condemn what are vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No political cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts." More...

The Organization of the
Islamic Conference

"We condemn these savage and criminal acts which are anathema to all human conventions and values and the monotheist religions, led by Islam," OIC secretary general Abdel Wahad Belkaziz said. More...

Scholars of Islam

"We are grief-stricken at these horrifying events," wrote professors from major American colleges and universities. "The murder of innocents can never be justified and must not be tolerated." More...

Renowned Muslim Scholar

"Our hearts bleed for the attacks that has targeted the World Trade Center [WTC], as well as other institutions in the United States despite our strong oppositions to the American biased policy towards Israel on the military, political and economic fronts," said renowned Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. "Islam, the religion of tolerance, holds the human soul in high esteem, and considers the attack against innocent human beings a grave sin." More...

Shari'a Scholars Association of North America

"Certainly, there is no justification for these acts from either an Islamic perspective or, in truth, from the perspective of any other moral and freedom-loving people," the Shari'a Scholars Association of North America wrote in a statement. "These acts diminish the freedom of all Americans, including American Muslims. Our condolences go out to all of the victims of these inhumane acts." More...

Muslim Religious Leaders

"The killing of men, women and children is a horrible and brutal action, which cannot be approved by the monotheist religions nor by sane men," said Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, the grand imam of al-Alzhar University of Cairo, the most prestigious of the Muslim world. More...

Council on American-Islamic Relations

"We condemn in the strongest terms possible what are apparently vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts." More...

Worldwide Scholars of Islam

Almost every single head of state in the Muslim world has expressed grief and outrage over this tragedy, fully expressing sympathy with the Americans who have lost loved ones in this tragedy. We believe that it is important that these images, these words, also receive national attention. More...

BBC Report

"It's not courage in any way to kill an innocent person, or to kill thousands of people, including men and women and children," said Sheik Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, Syria's most senior Islamic leader. More...

Muslims AGAINST Terrorism

"We are tired of extremists dictating the public face of Islam. We are committed to mobilizing the silent majority of Muslims, a majority which is in favor of peace, tolerance, and mutual respect." More...

W.D. Mohammed

"There's no justification for any Muslim to kill innocent people to get at the guilty ones." More...

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