The Oil for Food Program
Information on the UN sponsored Oil for Food program for Iraq, a program set up in 1997 in an effort to relieve the suffering of the Iraqi people

Albright on the Sanctions
Secretary of State Madeline Albright discusses why the sactions are still needed

The Iraq Action Coalition
Organization working to end the Iraqi sanctions. Includes information on the impact on the sanctions and eyewitness reports

National Campaign to End Iraqi Sanctions
The National Campaign to End Iraqi Sanctions is a program of the Muslim Peace Fellowship, acting in an interfaith coalition with Voices in the Wilderness, and others committed to the advocacy of the Iraqi children

Are Iraqi Sanctions Immoral?
With thousands of civilians dying, and Saddam still in power, can sanctions still be justified?

Why I Resigned
Denis Halliday talks about why he resigned his UN Post in protest of the sanctions

Appeal of American Archbishops
In 1998 more than 50 bishops from around the US launched an appeal against the sactions. Read about the appeal here

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