The following statement was issued by the American Muslim Political Coordinating Council (AMPCC) on October 2:

American Muslims and Arab-Americans condemn in the strongest terms recent attacks by Israeli armed forces on civilian demonstrations in the Occupied Territories.

Scores of civilians, including children, have been killed and more than a thousand (50% children) have been wounded by Israeli brutal force, which enjoys the blind support of our government.

The killings occurred following an intentionally provocative tour of Al-Haram Al-Sharif ("Noble Sanctuary") in Jerusalem by Israeli right-wing extremist Ariel Sharon, a man of bloody history responsible for the massacre of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps in Beirut.

We ask that the U.S. government:

1) Demand that Israeli forces withdraw from Palestinian cities and holy sites.

2) Stop turning a blind eye to Israeli aggression as well as violations of human rights and religious freedom.

3) Cut off all foreign aid to Israel so that American taxpayers are not forced to be party to such immoral behavior.

4) Call for an international tribunal to investigate Israeli actions.

5) Meet with American Muslim and Arab-American leaders to discuss ways to mitigate the suffering of Palestinian civilians.

Only by taking these actions can the American government show that it is living up to the American ideals of justice and decency.

We also ask that all presidential candidates issue statements condemning the Israeli action against civilian demonstrators, putting the blame squarely on the irresponsible behavior of Ariel Sharon.

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