Have a scriptural question? Check our columnist's Q&A archive or write to him at witheringtonb@staff.beliefnet.com.

At one time, I had an outline of a recommended order for reading the Bible. Do you have a suggested order of reading for first-time readers? --Suzanne G.

I would suggest that one read both portions of the Old Testament and the New Testament, and not just focus on the New Testament. A good representative sampling might be one book from each major portion of the Bible (Pentateuch, Prophets, Gospels, Pauline epistles, etc.)

So, for example, you could try Genesis, then perhaps Joshua, then 1 Samuel, then Psalms, then Proverbs, then Isaiah, then Hosea, then John's Gospel, then Acts, then Romans, and then last of all Revelation. This should present one with most of the gamut of the different types of literature in the Bible.

Is the Gospel story about Herod killing young males true, or was the writer simply recreating the Moses story to show a linkage between Jesus and Moses for his Jewish readers?

From what we know from Josephus, the Jewish historian of the period, it would have been entirely in keeping with Herod's character and his paranoia to have done such a thing. After all, he killed some of his own children and wives because he feared they might try and rule some day.

Can you explain the meaning of the phrase in Matthew 5:3 commonly translated "blessed are the poor in spirit"? --sekngHM

This particular beatitude could be translated "blessed are those who know their need for God." They are blessed because, recognizing their spiritual need or spiritual poverty, they will turn to God repeatedly and be so dependent on God that the Kingdom of God will one day be theirs.

In the gospels, why is Jesus compared to a vine? Why does the Bible talk of vineyards? -Gary R.

In the Old Testament, the vine or vineyard was a symbol for the people of God (see Isaiah 5). Here, Jesus is said to be the vine because this Gospel is stressing that Jesus is the locus of God's people. God's people are whoever is connected to Jesus like branches to a vine.

Why can't Christians have polygamy as an option? It doesn't appear that polygamy was condemned in the Bible.

Polygamy was certainly practiced in Old Testament times, but the Bible never endorses it. Indeed, the Genesis story about Adam and Eve is meant to make clear that God intended for monogamy to be the normal human practice. Only two can become one flesh and share a one-flesh union according to the theology of both Genesis and Jesus (cf. Mt. 19).

Why is there no mention of dinosaurs in the Bible?

Why is there no mention of dinosaurs in the Bible?

Why is there no mention of dinosaurs in the Bible?

Why is there no mention of dinosaurs in the Bible?

Why is there no mention of dinosaurs in the Bible?

The Bible was written long after the prehistoric era, and so it is not a surprise that dinosaurs are left out. The Genesis 1 story is simply trying to make clear that the Creator God made all things. It is not attempting to give an exhaustive list of all creatures. Many creatures that still exist are not mentioned in Genesis, for instance dogs and cats.

I watched a program on television which stated that Satan's number, thought to be 666, is actually not really 666. It was indicated that the actual assigned numbers for Satan are 999. Is this documented in any scriptures?

I watched a program on television which stated that Satan's number, thought to be 666, is actually not really 666. It was indicated that the actual assigned numbers for Satan are 999. Is this documented in any scriptures?

I watched a program on television which stated that Satan's number, thought to be 666, is actually not really 666. It was indicated that the actual assigned numbers for Satan are 999. Is this documented in any scriptures?

I watched a program on television which stated that Satan's number, thought to be 666, is actually not really 666. It was indicated that the actual assigned numbers for Satan are 999. Is this documented in any scriptures?

I watched a program on television which stated that Satan's number, thought to be 666, is actually not really 666. It was indicated that the actual assigned numbers for Satan are 999. Is this documented in any scriptures?

The number 666 is applied to an anti-Christ human figure in Rev. 13.18. It is not a reference to Satan. The beast is not the dragon. The dragon is the image of Satan, as Rev. 12 makes evident.

Were Adam and Eve before or after cavemen?

Were Adam and Eve before or after cavemen?

Were Adam and Eve before or after cavemen?

Were Adam and Eve before or after cavemen?

Were Adam and Eve before or after cavemen?

The author of Genesis probably saw Adam and Eve as actually the first homo sapiens, but the big question is, what makes a human being human? Were the cavemen actually human beings? It is not clear that at least some prehistoric 'men' were actually humans.

I am writing a paper on the value of the Simpsons in regards to American Families. I was wondering if you could provide any guidance to what the New Testament says in regards to families. -Mary H.

Yes indeed. Read the following texts: Mk. 10, 1 Cor. 7, Ephesians 5.21-33.

Does it directly state in the Bible what the Seven Deadly Sins are? Do the Seven Deadly Sins have anything to do with the seven demons cast out of Mary Magdalene? -Tami

The seven deadly sins are a list drawn up in the Middle Ages and are not listed as such in the Bible. The seven deadly sins are of course deadly, but so are many other sins. You might want to consider some of the 'vice lists' in the New Testament, such as Gal. 5.19-21 or Col. 3.5-10.

The seven deadly sins are a list drawn up in the Middle Ages and are not listed as such in the Bible. The seven deadly sins are of course deadly, but so are many other sins. You might want to consider some of the 'vice lists' in the New Testament, such as Gal. 5.19-21 or Col. 3.5-10.

The seven deadly sins are a list drawn up in the Middle Ages and are not listed as such in the Bible. The seven deadly sins are of course deadly, but so are many other sins. You might want to consider some of the 'vice lists' in the New Testament, such as Gal. 5.19-21 or Col. 3.5-10.

The seven deadly sins are a list drawn up in the Middle Ages and are not listed as such in the Bible. The seven deadly sins are of course deadly, but so are many other sins. You might want to consider some of the 'vice lists' in the New Testament, such as Gal. 5.19-21 or Col. 3.5-10.

The seven deadly sins are a list drawn up in the Middle Ages and are not listed as such in the Bible. The seven deadly sins are of course deadly, but so are many other sins. You might want to consider some of the 'vice lists' in the New Testament, such as Gal. 5.19-21 or Col. 3.5-10.

The Bible states we are to love and honor our mother and father and that it's a sin not to do so. But what if the child has been terribly wronged by the parents, such as emotionally hurt or physically hurt? Are children still suppose to honor their parents in these cases?

Yes, you are still called upon to honor them, but this does not mean you are called to honor their ungodly behavior, or simply acquiesce to sinful behavior. If you do that, you have just enabled their sinning. Honoring means treating them as you would have them treat you.

Who is the immoral woman mentioned in the book of Proverbs chapter 2:16-19? --mourad

This passage is about an adulteress, or a wayward wife as one translation would have it, who is unfaithful to her marriage covenant.

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